The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Don't Let the Yorvit You Where the Good Lord Split You

Forget what I said about not writing off Yorvit Torrealba before we have a chance to fall in at least like with him. We will not have that chance, so write him (like Lo Duca) off all you want. Newsday is reporting our once future but neither once nor future platoon catcher has opted out […]

The Catcher Who Sparked His Team to the Playoffs

One blogger wrote this, about the catcher who came to a new team in 2006 and helped spark them to the playoffs:

You have Lo Duca, a guy who enjoys being a Met, and has repeatedly said (begged?) that he wants to remain a Met, and that he loves being a Met and he loves the […]

The Entire Spectrum of Human Emotions, in 30 Seconds of Flipping Channels

Hmm. What's on the various flavors of HBO?


Jeez, maybe I should use the guide.


“48 Hours,” hmm.

Waitaminute, there's an ESPN on channel 173? What's that it's saying? Is that BASEBALL?




Man, these Venezuelan League […]

Oh Great, We're 'Beloved'

How far have your juggernaut, dynasty-in-the-making New York Mets fallen? So far that we can't even be patronized properly.

Last March, I shared with you a delightful piece of junk mail from the Danbury Mint, one that sucked us to up the way we should be sucked up to. It went like this:

When the greatest sports […]

Glory Be

You have seven weeks to get done what Stephanie and I hadn't gotten around to until yesterday. You have seven weeks to make your way uptown to the Museum of the City of New York and take in the glories of Glory Days: New York Baseball 1947-1957. You will not be disappointed.

While I can't say […]

A-Void A-Rod

There have been some pretty convincing articles on the breathless subject of A-Rod and the Mets of late, even if they contradict each other. The ever-popular Tim Marchman came out against on Wednesday; the ubiquitous and solid Howard Megdal weighed in for on Thursday. They both made compelling points. There has also been a Harper's […]

It Ain't Called the Gold Arm Award

I have two questions regarding the Gold Glove awards:

1) How is it that Keith Hernandez won so many of them (11) yet refers to them on broadcasts as “Golden Gloves”? They're Gold Gloves, not Golden Gloves. Golden Gloves is boxing. But Keith is Keith.

I guess I just answered that question.

2) How did David Wright win […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2007

Welcome to the third annual rundown of players who made their Met debuts in the now-completed season, brought to you by baseball cards and obsessiveness.

A brief review, that the initiated can skip (provided they haven’t skedaddled already): I have a pair of binders, dubbed The Holy Books (THB) by Greg, that contain a baseball card […]

A Warning to the Good People of New England

I don’t honestly have much use for football — I generally tune in in late December, when I’m desperate for the sight of grass, and then whatever bandwagon team I pick gets bounced in the first round. But tonight was different: The Colts and the Patriots in a game that might as well be this […]

Another Helping of Kool-Aid in Riverdale

One of my favorite Faith and Fear comments of 2007 included this line directed at me by the ever-popular Anonymous in disagreement with my insistence that the Mets retire 24 in honor Willie Mays’ achievements as a New York National League legend:

Stop drinking the cool aid [sic] with those old guys up in Riverdale.

I found […]