The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Trick or Treat! It's The Scariest Mets Team Ever!

Happy Halloween, everybody. I wish today would disguise itself as part of baseball season. It’s been one month since the Mets played ball. Even their most recent version of it looks mighty good from the precipice of November.

So the Mets didn’t dress up as playoff participants. So they’ve provided no tricks and few treats since […]

World Series Done, No Monkeys Flung

The weird part about the way the 2007 World Series ended, specifically after the World Series of the past half-dozen years, was seeing no monkeys flung from anyone’s back, no albatross peeled from around anyone’s neck, no donuts, no bagels, no bupkis filled up or filled in, no getting off the schneid.

This wasn’t some eternally […]

As True Now As It Was Then and Will Be a Year From Now

People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.

— Rogers Hornsby

A Fan's Answer

You don't have to be a graduate of one of Colorado's prestigious school systems to know the Rockies are in trouble. They've lost a blowout, a squeaker and a moderately competitive slugfest. Even education-conscious Mike Hampton could have calculated his former team's current odds of survival as prohibitive long before his celebrated cameos at Denver […]

Something Touched Me Deep Inside

If it’s the final Friday of the month, then it’s the tenth installment of the special Top 10 Songs of All-Time edition of Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

There would be baseball games on that radio, but not just yet. Not on this particular Friday, not with the players on strike. It was […]

A Fan's Question

There's an interesting discussion today over at Dan Shanoff's site about fandom.

Dan is a pal of mine — he was on the same bill as Greg and me at Varsity Letters last winter — and besides being salt of the earth, he's one of the most knowledgeable, enthusiastic sports fans you'll meet. That said, there's […]

Ack! for Dack

Somebody wake the Rockies. The World Series has started.

Well, that wasn’t pretty, National League fans. It didn’t feel like a World Series. It felt like a Super Bowl blowout from the era of Cowboys-Bills and 49ers-Chargers. In football, it’s just one game. In baseball, you have to keep reminding yourself it’s just one game. (Hey, […]

When Are They Gonna Interview Joe Frazier?

One night short of the World Series, I was so desperate for baseball programming that I zeroed in on Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel on HBO for Bob Costas' interview with ex-Mets manager Joe Torre.

They didn't discuss why Torre wanted to give the third base job to Joel Youngblood in 1981 when a) Youngblood obviously […]

The October They Became My Angels

I don’t wander down to the playground or the Little League fields. I don’t drop what I’m doing for high school or college ball. Even the occasional minor league game that flickers across the screen doesn’t do much for me. Though any baseball beats no baseball, baseball without a strong and informed rooting interest doesn’t […]

Coors Field Advantage (It's The Beer)

The Cleveland Indians did us a great solid in the ALDS, so it is with genuine regret I bid them adieu from these October proceedings. We'll never forget the well-timed release of their flying insects and how they may have buzzed an entire immoral empire to its knees. Nice job, Tribe. You're welcome back in […]