The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It's My Party and I'll Met If I Want To

If you’re down to remembering what it was like to remember everything that had come before, then it’s the penultimate Flashback Friday of 2007 at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

I was having a nice, friendly conversation with someone I’d known a long time in the fall of 2002, mostly but not primarily about baseball. I’m […]

USF is 6-1

Being No. 2 in the nation (No. 1 by the judgment of impartial computers) was fun while it lasted, but my USF Bulls obviously don’t care for northern lights. While you were busy watching The Office or the season finale of Mad Men or Game Five from Cleveland (or perhaps not watching television at all), […]

After the Fire

I experienced an epiphany one day in 2007. It was Wednesday, May 30. I was kind of punchy, having fallen asleep on the reclining love seat in the living room after coming home from the Armando-Jose-Delgado twelve-inning thriller of May 29, and perhaps a little loopy from the fumes of the fire that broke out […]

Torre Out! (In 1981!)

As the Western World waits to learn of the drawn-out fate of the revered Joe Torre, it’s nice to know that history repeats itself.

Thanks to a link from the one and only Metstradamus, we are reminded that a less revered Joe Torre was fired from his New York managerial perch once before. And that we […]

Dreaming Someone Else's Dream

Downstairs in our house you'll find a treadmill, and on one arm of that treadmill you'll find my iPod and headphones. The playlist I currently queue up for running is called MARCH 2007, which means very little beyond the fact that I created it then, thanks to months of adding a song here and subtracting […]

The Champions of Channel 39

Good thing Russ Hodges doesn't work for TBS. Because if he reacted in 2007 as he did in 1951 to the clinching of the National League flag, he could do no more than whisper that excuse me, I don't mean to wake you, but, uh, the Rockies won the pennant, the Rockies won the pennant. […]

Day-In, Day-Out, Day-Vid

”To be voted the most valuable player on the worst team in the history of major league baseball is a dubious honor, to be sure. But I was awarded a 24-foot boat equipped with a galley and sleeping facilities for six. After the season ended, I docked the boat in Ocean City, New Jersey, and […]

All in All, You Can be a $195 Brick in the Floor

Timing, it can not be overstated, is everything. You want to sell something, you want to sell when demand is high. You don't want to be ambling the greater Yorktown area in late 1781 peddling King George commemorative medallions, y'know? So on some level you have to wonder how fortuitous a month October 2007 was […]

USF is 6-0

The battle of Interstate 4 belongs to your AP-ranked No. 5 University of South Florida Bulls!

It was a stampede! A stampede, I tell you! USF 64 UCF 12! I must use more exclamation points!! Maybe 64 of them!!!

The University of Central Florida Knights would allow me to run up the punctuation score. They allowed a […]

A Very Mazzilli Thanksgiving

If the offseason has your calendar off-kilter already, then it’s Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

My family meant well. They mean well. It’s not their fault they never loved baseball the way I did. But they tried to reach out. Dad bought us tickets to my first game ever for September 23, 1972. […]