The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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One Reason To Have Faith

Brian Lawrence has been DFA'd. Best transaction agate since Chan Ho Park was invited for a long walk off that short pier. It doesn't compare to the hypothetical unconditional release of Guillermo Mota into the Pine Barrens (one can dream), but it's nice to see somebody get scapegoated when scapegoating is clearly called for.

It's easy […]

Hapless First Anniversary

Where were you one year ago tonight? In a very good place, I imagine.

Can you believe twelve months have passed since the Mets clinched their first division title since 1988? It was exactly a year ago, September 18, 2006, that Cliff Floyd cradled a fly ball from Josh Willingham and turned the Mets into official […]

Everybody Likes a Math Geek

Statgeek dream site Baseball Prospectus recalculates the playoff odds after every game. Using some kind of amazing stats, they simulate the rest of the baseball season a million times, and tell you what percentage of the time each team winds up winning, taking the wild card, or finishing out of the money.

According to BP, […]

I Can't Complain, But Sometimes I Still Do

So I sat through 28 solid innings of certifiable suck at Shea Stadium this weekend. Went to all three games, absorbed all three losses and came away with this conclusion:

I had it better than a lot of people.

I got to attend three baseball games featuring the team I root for with people I like in […]

Multimedia Powerhouse

In the last few hours, I've seen or heard myself on the radio, on television and online.

How odd.

Listen to Jason and I discuss the Mets with Mike Silva on NY Baseball Talk. Click on the Rivalry Weekend link and look for us at about the 36:00 mark.

See me (among several others) confirm 1992 was a […]

It's Like Cricket, Only It Makes Sense

Greetings from London!

London turns out to be very nice. It's got marvelous, monumental governmental architecture everywhere, which I assume reflects a greater acceptance of state power than would have flown when our own country was building edifices, but that's another blog. (And a pretty dull one, too.) Though speaking of government, for better or for […]

Death to the In-Philadels

“Y’know, I’ve worked for your people a long time. They run this town. They run it a helluva lot better than the agents.”
—Artie to Hank Kingsley, “My Name is Asher Kingsley,” The Larry Sanders Show

I don’t like our new worst enemy. And I’m not referring to the Mets bullpen. Or even this crooked umpiring crew.

Come […]

The Only Difference

At one point during last night's game, I turned to Emily and said something along the lines of “If this were Game 163, with a playoff spot on the line, Met fans all over the city would be dropping dead of heart attacks.”

As it was, it wasn't anything like that. (And no heart attacks. We're […]

Pauls, You're Not Helping

Why can’t we beat the Braves Phillies? We never beat the Braves Phillies when it counts. If we don’t figure out how to beat the Braves Phillies and soon, we’re going to be screwed.

Same yips, different series.

It helps to have a lead bigger than your hand when you decide to lose your sixth in a […]

Terry and the Pirates (and then some)

If you figured this one was coming eventually, then it’s the Flashback Friday you’ve been dreading at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

Usually I get to sneak these commemorations in on the sly. Goodness knows I’ve had an exclusive on the tenth anniversary of 1997. Nobody scooped me on my 1977 Newsday route, Joe Torre’s 1967 […]