The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Even We Were Optimistic About This One

Next time we’re up 12 in the 5th and the opponents have just one hit, we’ll consider smiling again.

Ideal for Evening on the South Side

Because it wasn’t enough to surprise the kid by flying him to Chicago and taking him to Wrigley Field in the afternoon, mom Sharon and dad Kevin doubled up the “WE’RE WHAT?” factor by taking Ross to new Comiskey Park (a.k.a. U.S. Cellular Field) for the White Sox game the same night…fireworks night, at that. […]

Perfect for a Day on the North Side

On the occasion of his 12th birthday last week, Ross was awakened and whisked away by the greatest parents the world has ever known last Friday. Other than “get in the car,” he wasn’t told they were going to the airport or flying to Chicago or headed to Wrigley Field for the afternoon.

Of course his […]

FAFIF Shirt Meets HOF Cub

You already know Ross Chapman. The guy with the mustache is newest Hall of Fame inductee Goose Gossage, who pitched for a while with the Cubs but was inducted as an Auto Trader. The shirt enjoyed a whirlwind trip to Chicago recently on the occasion of Ross’ 12th birthday.

Dress for your Hall of Fame encounters […]

All For Three

Miss Gary, Keith and Ron on an off day? Never be without them again. Gary, Keith and Ron is the charitable organization formed to help promote good causes near to the hearts of our announcers and foster a sense of community among Mets fans. GKR sells t-shirts and other neat stuff and is planning another night […]

It's Still Faith and Fear to Dave

What’s the matter with the clothes he’s wearing? Nothing from our vantage point. Dave Murray, your Mets Guy in Michigan, fresh off his victory lap in Cincinnati, recently returned to Ohio to model for Cleveland’s sake the Faith and Fear t-shirt at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. Given that this year’s Cooperstown inductees […]

Got a Little Captain in Him?

Captain already or not, I think we’ve found David’s next endorsement deal.

'Wow! Are Those the Mets Up There?'

On July 24, 2008, the Phillies’ fans were the fans learning anew how to properly read the National League East standings.

Vlad on the Brain

Is it strange that I appear positively beatific staring at an image of Angel Vladimir Guerrero at FanFest last week? I had been thinking prior to this chance meeting that I sort of missed Vlad’s regular visits to Shea. I don’t generally miss anyone who is a lifetime .311 hitter against the Mets. In 360 […]

Shirt Meets Straw

We have the first documented evidence of the Faith and Fear t-shirt meeting a Met. The Met is all-time franchise home run leader Darryl Strawberry and the shirt is worn by, as ever, FAFIF’s ambassador of kwanRoss Chapman.To get a shirt like the one Ross is kind enough to sport for all his key photo ops, […]