The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It Will Keep On Risin'

The September 18 installment of Flashback Friday: I Saw The Decade End will be presented as a special Monday Tuesday edition on September 21 22 in deference to my being too obsessed with disappointing seasons to think clearly about one of the few generally satisfying ones still writing it.

You may now return to your demoralizing albeit fascinating debate… enjoying this fantastic […]

Do Not Pass Go

Jason returns to his old WSJ stomping grounds for a day to great effect as you’ll see when you click here to play Metssloppily.

Thole Cow!

Faith and Fear in Flushing sends its best to rookie catcher Josh Thole on his major league debut this afternoon in Denver. May he not find himself on the horns of a dilemma when deciding which finger to put down for Pat Misch.

Photo by Sharon Chapman. Placement of cow near hot dog stand probably by […]

This Moment Was Foretold

David Wright as the Great Gazoo? So it was said throughout the broadcast of the Mets’ loss to the Rockies Tuesday night. Yes, the helmet looked silly, though Keith’s constant derision of it smacked of, “For your kids out there, remember to make fun of whichever kid looks different from the rest of you.” Anyway, we […]

Oh Happy Day

The last time before Friday that I got together with my three oldest friends in the world, the Mets played an afternoon game, too. Except that one we watched and that one we won.

He Has Great Taste in Headgear, Too

You’re used to seeing Ross Chapman in this space looking sharp in a Faith and Fear t-shirt. Last Saturday, however, he suited up for a different kind of game, Bar Mitzvahed straight into manhood now that’s he reached the age of Edgardo Alfonzo, Neil Allen and the recently departed Billy Wagner. Ross took his first step […]

General Manuel's Last Stand?

The Faith and Fear t-shirt headed west recently with Mets author Matt Silverman and family, stopping off at Fort Abraham Lincoln in Mandan, North Dakota, where General George Custer once thought he had a pretty good lineup until a slew of unforeseen injuries did in his troops. As Art Howe might have said at Little Bighorn, […]

From '69 to '09

Angel Pagan, ’69 Topps style, with Seaver and Agee behind him. A nice touch from a very nice Citi Field ceremony.

Red Apple Rest

The small world that is Faith and Fear got a bit tinier one late afternoon in early April when I was trundling down the stairs of my Long Island Rail Road station and I heard someone call out my name, which had never happened before in the town where I’ve lived for five years and […]

We'll Take That to Go

The San Francisco Giants’ telecast Sunday picked up the FAFIF t-shirt, as worn by either a big Gary Sheffield fan or someone who left a few pots boiling on the stove so he could make it to Citi Field in time for first pitch. Either way, we’re happy to see the numbers on TV. (Thanks […]