The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Chris Cannizzaro, Lingering Uptown

What’s wrong with this picture? Let’s instead go with what’s right about it.

This card was brought to my attention a couple of months ago and I can’t get it out of my head. It’s a veritable diner placemat that urges you to find all the things that are wrong with it while you […]


“This is the bad time.”
—Henry Hill, GoodFellas

If I may use the present tense while it’s still technically valid, Miguel Batista doesn’t so much throw pitches for the New York Mets as he contemplates them. Not that any Mets fan necessarily wants Miguel Batista to throw his next pitch unless it’s his last, but my goodness […]

Mets Yearbook: 1962

After re-editing the 1985 highlight video in such a manner to reignite the whole Roe v. Wade controversy (because it was such an abortion), SNY tries to make it up to us by presenting Mets Yearbook: 1962. It debuts Thursday night at 8:00 and reairs at 10:00, in concert with the channel’s 50 Greatest Mets […]

The Original Craig Anderson

If you’re a Mets fan who likes to read, read George Vecsey recounting his recent visit with 1962-1964 Met pitcher Craig Anderson, who finished his career on an 18-game losing streak but not before he crammed two wins into one day, fifty years ago tomorrow. For a man whose name became statistically synonymous with “loss,” […]

It's the Gesture That Counts

I’d hoped the Mets would make tickets available at 1962 prices at least once this year, and they did…twice! It was a limited number with limited notice, but I love the gesture for three reasons:

1) Tickets (if bought at the service charge-free Citi Field windows) cost $2.50, which sounds like what an upper deck-type ticket […]

The Living Memory of the 1962 Mets

 “His time is becoming part of history, not living memory, and we need to reach across the generations in new ways.”
—Caroline Kennedy, January 13, 2011, on her father’s presidency (1961-1963)

Mike Baxter appears to have beaten out Vinny Rottino for a spot on the 2012 Opening Day roster, though if Andres Torres isn’t ready to go, […]

The Interloper in The Holy Books

The Holy Books have their share of oddities, from Lost Mets to weirdo minor league cards to guys with one career at-bat. But the oddest card of all comes in the section reserved for the 1961 Expansion Draft. That section includes the 22 players chosen by the Mets to stock their inaugural roster from the […]

The Happiest Recap: 106-108

Welcome to The Happiest Recap, a solid gold slate of New York Mets games culled from every schedule the Mets have ever played en route to this, their fiftieth year in baseball. We’ve created a dream season that includes the “best” 106th game in any Mets season, the “best” 107th game in any Mets season, […]

The Happiest Recap: 013-015

Welcome to The Happiest Recap, a solid gold slate of New York Mets games culled from every schedule the Mets have ever played en route to this, their fiftieth year in baseball. We’ve created a dream season consisting of the “best” 13th game in any Mets season, the “best” 14th game in any Mets season, […]

The Happiest Recap: 010-012

Welcome to The Happiest Recap, a solid gold slate of New York Mets games culled from every schedule the Mets have ever played en route to this, their fiftieth year in baseball. We’ve created a dream season consisting of the “best” tenth game in any Mets season, the “best” eleventh game in any Mets season, […]