The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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In the Middling Years

We have reached the third installment of MY FAVORITE SEASONS, FROM LEAST FAVORITE TO MOST FAVORITE, 1969-PRESENT. I can’t swear it’s the middle installment, but below you’ll find the middle portion of the list: the seasons just before the median (Nos. 33-29); the median season (No. 28); and the seasons just beyond the median (Nos. […]

Washed Out April Afternoons

The Mets had an April in 1981 that would seem familiar to any Mets fan feeling all rained out forty Aprils later. Opening Day arrived as scheduled Thursday, April 9, in Chicago, followed by an off day, followed by a Wrigley Field weekend as planned…except it was nasty on the North Side on Sunday the […]

The Short of It

We finally have a marginally useful statistical comparison of sorts for this season that is statistically, logistically and aesthetically absolutely like no other. With the 2020 Mets having played 52 of a projected 60 games, we can line their season to date up against the only season when the Mets played 52 games in total, […]

One’s Moments in Time

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

Didn’t we almost have it all
When love was all we had worth giving?
—Whitney Houston

As it approaches the halfway mark, the year 2020 is not making a case for itself as one […]

Bored on the Fourth of July

It’s bad enough that Major League Baseball’s schedulemakers have left the Mets idle on this most iconic of summertime dates, but you’d figure they could have at least let them play on the eve of our nation’s 243rd birthday.

What’s that? The Mets did play on July 3? Yesterday? Wednesday? Funny, I have no recollection of […]

Mookie of the Year

Tim Raines can stop retroactively beating the Mets now. Ever since his Hall of Fame election came into view a couple of months ago, I’ve seen two clips repeatedly: Tim Raines beating the Mets with his baserunning (sliding into second base on a successful stolen base attempt) and Tim Raines beating the Mets with his […]

The Glorious Four

It doesn’t take a Richard Henry Lee galloping down to the House of Burgesses and back (stopping off in Stratford long enough to refresh the missus) to deliver a resolution that declares unequivoca-LEE that the four-game series the New York Mets just completed against the Chicago Cubs is and ought to be considered among the […]

The Midday Flub of Ben Revere

Rules I can’t believe baseball maintains:

1) The bit about transferring the ball from the glove to the hand after the ball is effectively caught.

2) Allowing Matt Harvey to face mere mortals.

Both items worked to our advantage Sunday, so sure, we’ll take ’em. There’s really nothing illegal or immoral about pitching Harvey every fifth day, though […]

The Gloomiest Recap: 150

Overheard high atop 514 Thursday afternoon…

ROB EMPROTO: What’s the worst game you’ve ever been to?
ME: September 15, 2011, Mets versus Nationals.

To be fair, across two Logs that have tracked the 522 official Mets games I’ve attended, Collapse games have been worse. Johnny and Armando late-inning specials have been worse. Anything where “NY” won and it […]

Mets Yearbook: 1981

SNY presents Mets Yearbook: 1981 tonight at 6:30. Don’t know if it will be presented in two distinct halves with the middle third missing.

And if you get that, you don’t have to read this. Or this. But I encourage you to, anyway. It’s an off day. You’ve got the time.

Image courtesy of “Mario Mendoza…HOF lock” […]