The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Picnic in the Park

What do you suppose those 11 Mets and 13 Dodgers who were left on base Saturday did to amuse themselves while a baseball game was proceeding to nifty conclusion without them? Given what a beautiful day it appeared to be in Chavez Ravine, my guess is they broke out the wicker baskets and treated themselves […]

(What a) Load Management

The Mets won Sunday’s game by three if you’re counting high-leverage relievers rested.

Brooks Raley? Rested.
Adam Ottavino? Rested.
David Robertson? Rested.

Yup, that’s three. Each pitcher pitched some on Saturday, and one of them (Raley) pitched on Friday, and you know what they say about relievers’ arms falling off should you try to use them a second or […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2022!

Spring is here … oh wait it totally isn’t, it’s cold and barren and horrible out there. But spring will be here soon enough, believe it or not. Which means we’d better welcome 2022’s matriculating Mets, now proud members of The Holy Books!

(Background: I have three binders, long ago dubbed The Holy Books by Greg, […]

Sweet Relief

With one out in the top of the ninth in Cincinnati Wednesday night, a baseball team and its adherents desperately needed therapy.

Mark Canha had just started the inning by fouling out against Hunter Strickland, conspicuously useless as a 2020 COVID Met and now somehow the Reds’ closer. The Mets had managed two runs against Cincinnati, […]

Have Some Medina, M’Dear

Why shouldn’t Adonis Medina have been depended upon in the clutchest of spots to deliver for the 2022 Mets? For the same reason the likes of Patrick Mazeika, Nick Plummer and Colin Holderman, to name three previously little-known quantities, shouldn’t have — no reason whatsoever.

You may have noticed no Bench Mob sobriquets or t-shirts have […]

Hey, Fuhgeddaboudit!

Unlike those Let’s Make a Deal-type distractions they run between innings on CitiVision, a day/night doubleheader is not a “double or nothing” proposition. The Mets didn’t risk their Saturday afternoon prize by opting to play again a few hours later. Hence, they get to keep their 5-1 win despite being saddled with the 11-3 loss […]

Strikeouts While Adonis is Hot

On Saturday night in Phoenix, we learned the Mets’ starting pitching depth only goes so far. Because of injuries, we had seen our No. 1A through No. 7 starters acquit themselves brilliantly this season. We haven’t seen No. 1 — Jacob deGrom — but we can vouch for his brilliance. Everybody else, from Max Scherzer […]