The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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All's Not Quiet on New Year's Day

If you didn’t get baseball for Christmas or Chanukah or any other occasion of late, don’t fret. It’s coming. And if you don’t mind extending your countdown a bit past 11:59:59 on New Year’s Eve, it’s coming that much sooner.

On the afternoon of January 1, at precisely (more or less) 3:59 PM EST, we will […]

Don We Now Our Shea Apparel

These kids, the kid in all of us and the calendar are ready for baseball to get here sooner than later already yet.

The 8-8 Jets are done. The 7-9 Giants are done. My 2-10 USF Bulls remain on extended bowl hiatus since 2010. In other words, all of my parochial football interests, such […]

All Things Being Equinox

At 3:59 PM EST this afternoon, New York Mets baseball will step outside, see its own shadow and scurry back indoors for what will seem like another couple of centuries of winter, but fret not. It will be at that very moment that we have reached the Baseball Equinox, that juncture on the Spherical Horsehide Calendar […]

You Are Now Approaching This Season

The Florida Marlins remain no help whatsoever. By not having announced a start time for their Opening Day hosting of the New York Mets at Name Subject To Change Stadium, they did not allow us to calculate precisely when the Baseball Equinox would be upon us. That’s something we look forward to figuring out every […]

Wonders and Their Failure to Cease

Happy Baseball Equinox! We are now closer to the start of the 2010 Mets season than we are to the end of the 2009 Mets season, and I think we can all agree we’d rather have next season than last season any day. May Jason Bay’s impending physical move us that much closer to Spring.

In […]

Five Yearbooks, No Waiting

Tomorrow, Saturday, January 2, looms as one of the finest days and happiest New Year’s greetings in sports broadcasting history. After your USF Bulls gore the Northern Illinois Huskies in the much-awaited International Bowl at noon on ESPN2 (it’s on ESPN2 because it’s twice as big a deal as any bowl on ESPN), switch to […]

Frost & Found

Early this morning, in a month when baseball is still being played fairly close to this latitude, there was frost that required scraping from my windshield. That’s the first sign that winter’s creepin’ in and I’m tired of this town again.

I’m already tired of winter and it’s October.

It was enough to make me calculate, for […]

Never Too Early for Baseball

I’m flipping around the dial a little after 8:30 this morning and what do I come upon? SNY is showing the Mets and Cubs, in Japan, from March 30, 2000. It was the top of the eleventh. Zeile is on first. Ordoñez is working out a walk. Mora comes up and walks as well.

I know […]

One Month Down, A Lifetime to Go

I like to give Hozzie The Cat a little chest/belly rub when he allows it, which is infrequently. Tonight he did. As I crouched down to find his purr zone, I serenaded him with a quick and unoriginal chorus of Ha-ZEE! Ha-zee Ha-zee Ha-ZEEE! I was a little more off-key than usual when it occurred […]

Halfway Home, We'll Be There By April

The final out of the 2005 season was made at approximately 3:56 PM, October 2.

The first pitch of the 2006 season is scheduled to be thrown at 1:10 PM, April 3.

Thus, the baseball equinox occurred at 2:33 AM, January 2.

At that exact moment, we were equidistant from Jose Offerman’s last swing and Pedro Martinez’s (toe […]