The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Tag Him Again, Brewers

The eleventh inning was rolling around
The opposing offenses were making no sound
Boyer the Brewer was manning the mound

Blaine looked to the plate
As the hour grew late
Asdrubal Cabrera was the hitter he found

Cabrera commenced
To single to right
To all, perhaps
An Asdrubal good night?

Flores was the Met
Seen teeing off next
A double to left
Thus entered the text

Cabrera wasn’t swift […]

The Short, Unhappy Life of Middle Relievers (and Others)

Mike Pelfrey’s ERA is 15.63. He’ll get another start tomorrow. And another one four days after that. And so on for a reasonable distance into the future.

Blaine Boyer’s ERA is 10.80. He threw 119 pitches this year. His Mets career is presumably over: He was designated for assignment after yesterday’s debacle, a 3-2 Mets lead […]

Died Hard, But Still Died

It’s an age-old fan question: Your team’s down seven runs, and not destined to win. Given this, how would you prefer them to exit stage final? Biting and scratching and clawing, even if all’s in vain? Or quickly and quietly, so as not to waste valuable pluck and luck? (Pluck and luck don’t actually work […]

Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off

Josh Thole loomed as Mr. Metaphor Saturday night, falling down rounding first and getting his eager ass tagged out on a throw-behind from Emilio Bonifacio to Gaby Sanchez in the seventh, then picking himself up, dusting himself off and lining the go-ahead single in the ninth. Turned out, however, Thole’s destiny was to serve as […]

And Now, the Good News with Terry Collins

To paraphrase an old joke, when Terry Collins is on the phone, Terry Collins is ON the phone. That is to say he’s “on,” I’m guessing, whether there’s a phone line open or not.

The Mets were kind enough  to conduct another blogger conference call this evening, this time with the Mets’ manager as our subject […]

Alliterative Numerical Opportunities Abound

As more and more Mets crowd into Port St. Lucie just long enough for it to be exciting before it becomes amazingly tedious, here’s what I don’t get: The Mets have four — four! — alliterative pitchers in camp, and none of them has been issued an alliterative uniform number.

According to the spring roster Adam […]