The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Johan's Super Tuesday

Johan Santana lives! I saw it for myself via two innings of televised encouragement Tuesday. He pitched to the Cardinals, he emerged with his left arm attached to his left shoulder and he wasn’t diagnosed with a rare tropical disease on his way to the clubhouse.

Talk about a super Tuesday. Everything else pales in comparison […]

Somebody Signed Up for This

Not everybody who’s born to be a Mets fan reaches his destiny immediately. Take Sam Maxwell, who went through a harrowing transitional period between birth and his Mets fandom. He mistakenly rooted for some other team through his youth but then saw the light (no matter how dimly it flickers some years) and embraced Metsishness […]

No Cheering in the Press Box

Note: I started writing this in the Citi Field press box during the seventh inning, promising myself that if the Mets staged an improbable comeback I would groan and hit delete in honor of suffering beat writers everywhere.

“No cheering in the press box” is one of the oldest rule of sportswriting, and it’s one that […]

Batting a Thousand

From the Department of Milestones You Didn’t Realize Existed: tonight — barring calamity (or rain) — will be the 1,000th consecutive Mets game recapped by Faith and Fear in Flushing.

I don’t know that you can call them recaps in the traditional sense. That’s why somewhere amid our text we link you to the Mets […]

A Winter's Day, A Baseball December

Looking back, you could see that as the last moment when the sports business was at human scale, a club where everybody knew who was who.
—Richard Ben Cramer, Joe DiMaggio: The Hero’s Life

Why wouldn’t you want to be around baseball in December? It’s so much better than everything else December has to offer.

Tuesday, December 14, […]

At the End/Beginning of the Day

See, Don? This is the way to behave.
—Roger Sterling

I once had to transcribe a lengthy interview with a top executive in the industry I covered. He concluded just about every answer to just about every question with a sentence that began, “At the end of the day…” The deeper into the tape I got, the […]

Calms Before and After Storms

If a manager and a general manager fall in the forest of rumors and you don’t hear it, did it happen? If the buzz surrounding a potential double-dismissal drowns out the noise from a walkoff home run, did the dinger make a sound? And if you’re standing in a deserted dugout after batting practice has […]

Five Years of Flashbacks

It somehow occurred to me last night that it had been exactly five years since I posted the first of what has become a more or less weekly in-season tradition at Faith and Fear in Flushing. When your recollections begin having anniversaries, that probably says something about the way you look at life.

Nevertheless, Flashback Friday […]

Two Nights With the Mets, Told in Three Parts

Part 1: Friday Night Frights

Went to see the Mets play ball. Lovely evening, and great company in my pals Wayne and Amanda, the latter a visitor and, horrible to say, a Yankee fan. (She was also a model guest — I didn’t once hear the number 27, an invocation of rings or a sentence ended […]

Rage, Rage Against the Dying of The Streak

Fourteen out of fifteen isn’t bad, and, considering from how far back we traveled to get as far as we did, 8-7 in 13 isn’t inexcusable.

But it still sucks to lose that way. Or lose at all. I hadn’t forgotten the feeling, no matter how unusual it had become to experience in 2010.

The Streak — the […]