The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Killing Us Softly with Spring News

Spring Training, you gotta stop making real news. Frankie Montas’s lat last week. Nick Madrigal’s shoulder over the weekend. Sean Manaea’s oblique as the Monday surprise du jour. We’re here for bright skies and optimism and megastars presenting vehicles to would-be stars in exchange for jersey numbers. That’s the news we can consume and smile about.

All injuries […]

When Plan B Turns Out A-OK

The Mets’ ebullient recent narrative showed a couple of cracks Friday night against the Reds.

Francisco Lindor continued his hitting streak and made a nifty play at shortstop, but he didn’t walk off the Reds or solve the Middle East conflict in an idle moment between innings, somewhere between surprising and shocking given how he’s been […]

Paralleled Joy

John Olerud was at Citi Field for the Mets game on the fourth Sunday in May, just as he was at Shea Stadium for the Mets game on the fourth Sunday in May a quarter-century before…though “just as” might be a stretch. In 2024, Olerud was a visitor, sitting in the stands, brought to the […]

Bad Ideas Upon Bad Ideas

I’d like to put 6:10 pm start times on the list of things that I thought would be good, or at least novel, and turned out to be terrible.

First off, I completely forgot. I was doing something non-baseball-related, noted it was around 6:35 pm, and reflexively went back to what I was doing, because 6:35 […]

Futile With a Chance of Humiliation

There’s honestly not a lot of insight to be had comparing a mediocre baseball team with a very good one. Very good teams make plays and get hits when it matters; mediocre ones sometimes do and sometimes don’t. Christian Scott, forced to cosplay as a chimney sweep for his first-ever Citi Field start, was pretty […]

Mood-Matching Outfits

Good call Friday night wearing the reimagined (apparently during a bout of gloom) black jerseys in which the Mets wordmark, the player name and the numbers on the front and back sink forlornly into the fabric as if they followed Carole King’s example of staying in bed all morning just to pass the time. The […]

Hello, I'd Like to Pet a Therapy Ray

I don’t know if therapy rays are actually a thing (they probably are), but I’ve been to Tropicana Field, which has the affect of the world’s largest basement rec room and smells vaguely like pool cleaner, and the most interesting part of the stadium is the oft-shown pool where cownose rays swim around in a […]

A Not So Fine Mess

Jose Quintana reported for work without any of the essentials, got bombed, and the Mets fought back gallantly but it wasn’t enough, the end.

That would suffice for a bite-sized recap, I suppose — this felt like one of the 50 or 60 or however many it is games that you’re guaranteed to lose, with the […]

Nine View of Cubs-Mets

Pete was actually out, and no, Miguel Amaya wasn’t blocking the plate, or at least not sufficiently to arouse the ire of officialdom. And even if he had been blocking the plate, the Buster Posey rule is stupid. Good decision to send Pete — unfortunately Nick Madrigal made a perfect relay throw, and so he […]

Twisting and Turning With the Baseball Gods

When your team’s bad you spend a lot of time fuming about how it should be made good. This guy who’s failed too often needs to lose his job to this guy who hasn’t failed yet, any fool can see the lineup should be revamped so it works like this, etc.

I’m not generally one for […]