The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Pound for Pound

Before he incurred infamy for the two words he uttered to communicate he wanted no more of his 1980 rematch versus Sugar Ray Leonard — “no más” — Robert Duran was mainly recognized as the fighter who was “pound for pound” the best in the world. Duran is the reason I learned that phrase. For […]

Vibes and Other Advanced Stats

The Mets are suddenly good.

Well, not good exactly. Statistically speaking, they’re average. But in the vibes column — which you won’t find in your paper, on or Baseball Reference, so don’t look for it — the Mets are killing it.

They rose to average statistically and red hot vibe-istically by beating the Pirates in an […]

One Lead is Safe at Coors Field

You don’t bring a Jason Vargas to a slugfest if you wish to prevail in the slugfest. Then again, you might not have a full-fledged slugfest without Jason Vargas, for as offensive a bent as Coors Field possesses, it takes a Vargas to ensure at least one side’s scoring […]

Happy Yo Year

Twelve! Twelve! Twelve! And so on.

You didn’t necessarily have to be there. You could glean just fine far from Citi Field what 12 runs in one inning looked like, felt like, even smelled like. It smelled like victory, of course.

But if you were fortunate enough to be at Citi Field on Friday night, […]

The Walking Ted

What was Chipper Jones doing in the Mets clubhouse before Saturday night’s game at Turner Field? Presumably signing over the deed on the joint to the visiting team.

Remember when Larry was loathed and Turner was terrifying? Vaguely. Like the Atlanta Braves who made the National League Eastern Division their private hunting preserve, it all seems […]

Twenty Homers, Decent Cachet

Marlon Byrd joined the Mets’ 20-home run club Monday. As exclusivity goes, it’s an honor that falls somewhere between the United States Senate and one of those Facebook groups that requires an invitation. It’s not that incredible that you’d get in, but making it there probably says something about your interests and perhaps your capabilities.

Byrd […]

Sunday Night at the Metsies (Part I)

Coming this Sunday night: The favorite football team of many (if not all) Mets fans, playing for the championship of its sport.

Coming NO Sunday night in 2012, as far as we know right now: The favorite baseball team of all Mets fans, playing for anything…not even to get us closer to 2013.

ESPN released its preliminary […]

Gimme a Met with Hair

My outer head needs a haircut and my inner child resists. It’s always been that way because when I was a kid, hair length was a big issue in the world at large and among ballplayers, especially the ones I admired. Tug McGraw and Jim Bouton wrote books about battles with the establishment, rightly scoffing […]