The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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What Comes After

On Sunday night Edwin Diaz — he of the electric arsenal and its sometimes self-electrocuting results — stood on the mound and stared in at Bryce Harper, probably the league’s MVP and a longtime thorn in the Mets’ side who seemed about the dimensions of a redwood just then. Two outs in the ninth, 3-2 […]

Good Afternoon, Good Night

Marcus Stroman, intermittent instigator of excitement, monitored a Wednesday afternoon nap in Cincinnati as if moonlighting as a day camp counselor for the six-and-under set. He authoritatively lulled the Reds’ offense to sleep and relaxed Mets fans no end with eight innings of shutout ball. Marcus plunked leadoff hitter Jonathan India to begin the game, […]

Agents of Chaos

There are games you’re clearly fated to win, ones you’re pretty much guaranteed to lose, and ones where the outcome teeters and totters between joy and horror while your heart tries to keep pace. And then there are games like Monday night’s in Cincinnati — ones where the sheer insanity of everything gobbles up logic […]

Get It Right the Next Time (That’s the Main Thing)

Earl Weaver’s oft-cited quote that “this ain’t a football game, we do this every day” came in handy after Saturday night’s debacle — up 6-0 in the 8th, only to lose 9-7 in the 9th — that indicated we should never do this again. The Earl of Baltimore’s observation is equal parts…

instructive — 161 baseball […]

Seventh Time’s a Seventh Charm?

One half of a season is behind the New York Mets and so is the rest of the National League East. You can’t ask for a much better situation following 81 games. The chips don’t settle that way very often.

The Mets have finished the statistical first half in first place six times previously. They’ve won […]

A Day to Fly the Colors

By definition, a Sunday afternoon spent beating a pair of American League All-Stars en route to winning by five is time well spent.

That’s what the Mets did on July 4, racking up four runs in 3 1/3 innings off All-Star Gerrit Cole, whose situations were as sticky as his grip might no longer be, and […]

The Cobb County Blues

Give this much to the Mets during their current run of troubles: They’re finding new ways to lose.

But then that’s appropriate for the ballpark they were trapped in Thursday night: White Flight Stadium (or whatever the Braves are calling their shameful taxpayer-extorted shrine to suburbia these days) may not quite be the house of horrors […]

Your Seaver or Your Life

Perhaps you’ve heard or at least heard of the classic Jack Benny bit in which the comic entertainer who cultivated a notorious tightwad persona is held up at gunpoint. The robber makes clear he wants Benny’s wallet, and he wants it now.

“Your money or your life.”

There’s a pause.

The pause extends.

The pause simply will not end.

The […]

The Meaning of Schwarber

A few of you who read us probably know that I have some other geeky pursuits besides living and dying with a baseball team. Among other things, I collect baseball cards, including making my own custom cards for Mets lacking such an honor; I write fiction, a good chunk of it set in the Star […]

Alternate-Universe Losses

One of the many fun things so far about 2021 is the Mets winning games that in a lot of previous years you’d expect them to lose.

On Tuesday night I was nervous after the Mets took a 3-2 lead and stubbornly refused to extend that to a safe distance, because I was all too aware […]