The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Nope, Still Not Going Well

The Mets said all the right things after getting beaten by the Rays 8-5 on Tuesday night in a game that was not nearly as close as the final score suggests. Justin Verlander talked about understanding the fans’ frustration and about how the players were frustrated too and about needing to work hard. Buck Showalter […]

A Three-Run What?

The important thing: The Mets actually won.

The less important thing: The Mets barely won a thoroughly strange, confounding game against the Nationals, one that left you without much confidence that any kind of worm has turned in any direction one would want a worm to turn. (If you’ve ever wondered, that strange turn [ahem] of […]

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

“Do you have any other ideas? It’s getting late.”
“Can’t we use the downtrodden team again?”
“Nah, a three-episode arc is enough. Besides, the idea that you’d need to eke out one-run wins in consecutive episodes, the second of them in extra innings while the ancestors of the downtrodden team that beat the ancestors of the visiting […]

It’s the Time of the Season

Baseball’s nothing without poetic license, whether or not Rob Manfred wishes to notarize said document. The Commissioner is intent on engineering a game built for speed. Get it over with already yet seemed the Manfred mandate for Opening Day. Start the pitch timer, throw the ball, quit yer lollygagging. It sounds reasonable in concept. It […]

To Everything a Series

When last we were being clever about Metropolitan math, right around the beginning of this month, the Mets had just taken two out of three from the Dodgers, constituting their 30th series win of the season against 8 series losses and 3 series ties. Up ahead on the schedule were cushions, marshmallows and Milwaukee. Competition […]

They Give Us Something to Talk About

Brandon Nimmo finally remembers how to steal bases and in activating his dormant skill aggravates a quad that merits exiting the game early, receiving imaging later and monitoring on a day-to-day basis.

But I don’t want to talk about that.

Jeff McNeil throws his body into every possible defensive play and has trouble getting up a couple […]

Two for the Price of One

I’ll take two wins in three games, even if the price is one loss in the middle. Not that that’s how series of baseball games work, exactly, but that is how the Mets-Braves to-do went down. We won Monday. They won Tuesday. We won Wednesday. That’s math as good as it gets when you don’t […]

The Mets vs. the Ex-Mets

The Mets, wearing blue, beat the Reds, wearing red and white, by a score of 7-4 on July 4th, and what could be better than that?

OK, both teams were wearing god-awful hats from which independence should have been declared, and the Reds continue to ruin their perfectly good uniforms with a black drop shadow that […]

Duel on the Hill, Dud at the Plate

It was tight. It was tense. It was pitched the way you would swear under oath you prefer your games to be pitched. It was the kind of game you could really enjoy for the sake of sublime baseball until you remembered you had a rooting interest.

To be fair, if your rooting interest emanated from […]

The Sound of No Dog Barking

I hate that the Miami Marlins exist, I doubly hate when the Mets have to play them, and I quadruply hate when the Mets have to play them in their Pachinko parlor-cum-fish tank-cum-mausoleum in south Florida.

I looked it up on Baseball Reference, and as I suspected, the Mets are 4-12,429 all time at Soilmaster Stadium […]