The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Now You See It

Everybody misplaces their Mojo from time to time. In the summer of 1999, Austin Powers had to chase his Mojo all the way back to 1969. A couple of months later, the 1999 Mets’ Mojo experienced dizzying spikes and frightening declines despite Jim Morrison’s advice that it should keep on risin’. For a night-and-a-half in […]

The Grind and the Break

“Grind you till you break” is Chris Bassitt‘s phrase, first uttered after his debut in blue and orange and the Mets having come back from being knocked down by sundry Nationals to win by doing terrible things to pitchers, spoken of earlier on this trip, and of course immortalized as part of that equal parts […]

No Really, the Mets Are Good

I was in L.A. Thursday morning through Monday night attending Star Wars Celebration (and probably getting COVID, but we’ll see), and felt the usual guilt about abandoning my post. Though I didn’t, really — the Mets kept sneaking into the picture, as they have a way of doing.

There they were for the last couple of […]

Plum Assignment

“Kid, we’re short of staff this weekend. I need you to go out to Citi Field and cover Sunday night’s Mets-Phillies game. The main thing is the lede. Watch what happens, and when you think you know what the main story is, type up a graf and shoot it back to the copy desk. We […]

Crazy Eights

Once upon a time the Mets were down six runs in the seventh and with my eyes on bedtime I composed a minor recap I knew wasn’t a classic but thought did its duty well enough, particularly grading on the curve for West Coast night-owl duty. It was called “Ten Commandments for a West Coast […]

Mets’ Needs Met

The Mets needed lengthy starting pitching in their Saturday afternoon makeup of Friday night’s snowout, since it was to be followed by a regularly scheduled Saturday night game, and they pretty much got it. Carlos Carrasco, in his first Coors Field start (and probably the first game he’s pitched on May 21 that was postponed […]

Now Rob Manfred Has Also Messed Up the Air

The Mets have now played the Mariners 16 times in their history, but such a matchup will always feel a bit like a videogame showdown with a weird little cousin. “You want to be the Mariners? C’mon, really? It’s the AL West — I don’t know any of those names. Hell, half of them look […]

Fort Held Twice

You get an early lead, which is good. You sweat an early lead, which is natural. You hold an early lead, which is satisfying. You do it all over again a couple of hours later and you’ve really got something there.

In a parallel universe, perhaps the Braves come back on the Mets in one or […]

Seconds, Please

No-hitters can leave you speechless in the moment but have you saying all kinds of things you hadn’t previously uttered in the days, weeks, months and years that follow. As Mets fans, we found ourselves speaking both excitedly and differently after June 1, 2012. When your focus turns from “when are we gonna get one […]

So That Was Pretty Fun

Back in the endless days of weird frustration before Johan Santana, before IT HAD HAPPENED, I had a thought that would sneak into my head — despite my earnest attempts to shoo it away — when a Mets pitcher was in doomed pursuit of the franchise’s seemingly unobtainable first no-hitter.

Please don’t let our first no-hitter […]