The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Big Score Hunting

Bill James recently tweeted, “Things happen in baseball every day of the season which haven’t happened before. It isn’t ‘History’ unless someone writing a history of baseball or a history of the franchise or some such would bother to mention it. Otherwise, it’s just an oddity, or trivia.” In that case, I’m here to mention […]

When Recent Proves Relative

Hey now and forever, Michael Conforto, you’re an All-Star, no matter how your league got its game on, no matter that there was a decent case to be made for at least two other players from your team getting your spot. But never mind that Jacob deGrom was the most stellar Met of the first […]

Statues With Limitations

I want to believe we’ll beat the Braves on Opening Day (you never know) and finish substantially ahead of them this season (probably, but I take nothing as a given). What’s sad is that Atlanta has lifted the lid on SunTrust Park — their fifteenth home in eighteen years — by moving ahead of us in […]

A Unicorn Is Born

You don’t see too many games like we saw Friday night at Coors Field, and — as the Irish Rovers could tell you — you’re never gonna see no unicorn. But if you see the Mets win by a score you’ve never seen them win by before and there’s no telling if or when you’ll […]

The Return of Old Timers Day 1977

I consider the series finale of Parks & Recreation, which aired Tuesday night, to be one of the finest farewells in the history of episodic television. Yet within twelve hours of viewing, I found something even better to watch. It wasn’t a goodbye episode. More like getting reacquainted. The effect was more invigorating, even, than […]

Mets 1 Dodgers 0

Keith's Grill, moving out of the shadows.

I love when the Mets take our advice before we even offer it. In Amazin’ Avenue Annual 2011, Jason and I offered up a slew of ideas on how to best extended the Mets legacy at Citi Field. One of them, which we expanded upon recently, was […]

Of Dukes and Other Royalty

Duke Snider was hugely talented, agreeably and disagreeably human by turns, and essential to the myth of the Brooklyn Dodgers — for the move west from Ebbets Field to the other side of the continent threw his career into permanent decline, almost as if the Duke of Flatbush had lost his royal powers when he […]

Too Old? Too Young? Just Right.

Most dignified-looking Met: Duke Snider. That gray hair gets them. If he offered to sell you the Brooklyn bridge you’d be certain he owned it.
—Leonard Shecter, New York Post, 1963

“I think Casey was referring to the fact that when I was 29, I’d have 10 years in the league, but of course, he mangled the […]

Move Over Daniel (Here Comes David)

Jonathon Niese endured. Ike Davis awoke. David Wright served the main course to one lucky Acela Club patron. The Florida Marlins learned that no one — and I mean no one —  comes into our house and pushes us around (hubris not applicable on final days of seasons). And while all this was going on, […]

One-Year Wonders

Rod Barajas is getting the treatment a Wise Veteran Catcher usually gets in Spring Training when he’s new on the team. He’s leading by example and changing the tone and offering guidance, which is exactly what we want to read this time of year after having just experience that type of year last year. He’s […]