The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Seriesously Speaking

Some things don’t change even as the calendar pages do. Back in April, emphasis placed on winning series was emphasis well-directed We have now entered September. Winning series is still a very good thing. A very good goal, too, though I wouldn’t want to get too far ahead of myself. Take every day, even the […]

That Was Fun

So said Buck Showalter, engaging the media after the Mets’ 2-1 win over the Dodgers, and as usual Buck was right.

It was fun, wasn’t it? Fun with a side of heart-stopping terror, or at least severe spikes of anxiety, but then that’s baseball.

Fun was Jacob deGrom looking every inch the debonair assassin, carving up baseball’s […]

The Damnedest of Things

Most of the time you don’t know. Sometimes you know just enough. Sunday I didn’t definitively know if the Mets were dead and buried at 4-0 after one; were alive and well at 4-4 in the middle of the fourth; had dirt kicked on them at 7-4 at the end of four; had sprung back […]

So Quiet, So Loud

The sound of one hand clapping makes about as much noise as a batter facing Jacob deGrom. Yet at Citi Field when Jacob deGrom pitches, all the hands clap and the noise overwhelms. Not as much as Jake overwhelms. Little can outdo deGrom in that regard.

We bring the sound. Jake brings the fury. The Phillies, […]

The Residue of Design

The first step toward a decisive Mets victory over the Braves on Sunday came whenever a 1:40 PM start was rescheduled for 4:10. Billy Eppler and Buck Showalter looked ahead at Saturday’s day-night doubleheader and understood their team would be better off with an additional two-and-a-half hours after what loomed as a grueling day. Saturday […]

A Baseball Day Well Spent

So far — which, I’ll admit right off the bat, is a necessary qualifier — this is one of the stranger successful Met seasons I can remember.

After sweeping a split doubleheader from the Braves — no burying the lead in this recap — the Mets are 30 games over .500 for the first time since […]

The Night of Chicken, Roses and Sugar

For me, the Mets are rarely if ever on the periphery. Most nights they’re front and center. But now and then even they have to share space with other pursuits.

We’re finishing up three weeks in my folks’ summer cottage in Maine, an annual visit extended this year as an experiment in remote work and escaping […]

Fits, Starts and Immaculate Enough Endings

Through seven innings Friday night, the Mets-Marlins contest could have gone either way. It’s not unusual that the identities of a given game’s winner and loser are yet to be determined with two regulation innings to go, but this brand of uncertainty gnawed a bit deeper. Lose this game to the Marlins, and it’s a […]

Don't Sleep on the Subway

Look, I’d be happier never playing the Yankees.

First off, I don’t like interleague play and wish they’d do away with it. But there’s having to play, say, the Angels and there’s having to play the Yankees. And with the latter, there’s just too much stress. One’s living room feels like a psychiatrist’s office; being at […]

Right On Time

It’s Sunday night. The Mets haven’t won in more than a week. As if that’s not enough of a shame, our greatest miracle has been celebrated anew, and this is how our team responds in the present? What we could really use is a nice offensive explosion while everything is looking listless and limp, maybe […]