The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Beatings Will Continue; Morale Will Not Improve

James McCann destroyed the team that sent him away, going 3 for 3 with 5 RBIs and even stealing a base.

That’s the headline, but the punchline comes courtesy of our Metsmerized buddy Mike Mayer: Only two catchers have ever had at least 3 hits, 5 RBIs, a walk and a steal in a game against […]

So That Was a Lot

Some days can’t possibly be summed up by one post. So consider this one just the start of a conversation that kicks off tonight but will go on in some form for years.

The Mets traded pretty much everybody. Justin Verlander went back to the Astros, where — as I semi-seriously predicted — he’ll now face […]

Adventures on the Bell Curve

So now we know how Max Scherzer‘s conversation with the brass went — it turned out to be an exit interview, as Scherzer is on his way to the Rangers (along with $35.5 million through next year) in return for Luisangel Acuna, whom you probably didn’t know is the younger brother of Ronald Acuna Jr. […]

That’s Powerful Stuff

When your opponent puts double digits in the run column and you win, anyway…

When you record a final score in your favor that you haven’t posted since the final months of the previous century…

When the prohibitive favorite to lead your team in his signature category for a record-tying fifth consecutive season might be compelled to […]

How Quickly Things Change

A little over a week ago, we were lamenting the fact that the Mets seemed incapable of winning any games; Saturday night found us grousing that they couldn’t, in fact, win them all.

That’s how quickly things change in baseball, and how speedily they’d changed for the Mets: Good starting pitching, timely hitting and actual luck […]

One (Maybe) Gets Out of Here Alive

It took ten innings, but the Mets made the Padres look like the Mets while preventing the Padres from making the Mets look like the Padres. This is to say the East Coast version of the Padres beat the West Coast version of the Mets, 7-5, in extras.

If I wasn’t following one of these teams […]

Mystery Mets

Who are these guys and what have they done with the 2023 Mets?

Actually, don’t answer that, because who cares? And don’t look for them, because this is fine.

Unlike Wednesday’s heroic, up-off-the-mat victory, there wasn’t a lot of sweat expended Thursday in urging the Mets across the finish line. The game was essentially over in the […]

Midnight at the Oasis

A late night West Coast game is a late night West Coast game under any guise, whether the coast is relatively ballpark-adjacent or an entire state over. Arizona’s oceanic only in that it chooses to not spring its clocks forward for Daylight Saving Time, meaning that for all intents and purposes from a New Yorker’s […]

The Mets Declare Independence

The Mets have spent the better part of the 2023 season thralls to disappointment, mostly of their own making. Yet they’d somehow won two in a row, a modest accomplishment except that June was such a horror show that two in a row seemed like ascending a fair-sized mountain.

They didn’t play Monday, leaving their winning […]

Everything But the 6:44

Almost everything was great Saturday. Really.

The start time, Saturday afternoon at 4:10, was great. As a start time, 4:10 has élan. On any day, 1:10 can be too early, 7:10 too mundane. On a Saturday especially, 4:10 is the sweet spot. You have your day. You have your night. You have your baseball in the […]