The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Making New History

Flies who’ve watched Spring Training shake their buzzy little heads and remark on unfortunate colleagues dropping like Mets. Down goes Alvarez (hand). Down goes McNeil (oblique). Down already went Montas and Manaea and the backup infielder Madrigal who wasn’t hyped enough to be saddled with Jed Lowrie comparisons, so at least he’s got that going […]

True Value

Lest unanimity get a bad name, let us forget the myopic groupthink that infected 30 members of the Baseball Writers Association of America and let us all instead commit to a Metsiastically agreeable concept:

No Met was more valuable in 2024 than Francisco Lindor.

Perhaps you have an opposing viewpoint. It takes all kinds, one supposes. In […]

Now Leaving the Montage

And yet, it felt fantastical. I wasn’t entirely sure the road I walked was even there anymore. And even if it were there as the map said, and even if I went to walk it again on another day, another season, maybe in a different pair of shoes, it wouldn’t be the same road. I […]

The Summer of Smiles

The Mets lost, and their season is over.

Sean Manaea didn’t have his putaway stuff, Phil Maton looked gassed, and Kodai Senga turned in one good inning but not a second. Meanwhile, the hitters worked solid ABs and kept creating traffic, but couldn’t get the big hit they needed: They were 2 for 9 with runners […]

The Way They Do the Things They Do

Thursday night I came home from Game Four of the National League Championship Series resigned to the 2024 Mets season being imminently over. Friday morning I awoke thinking only that there’d be a baseball game come late afternoon and that the Mets would be playing in it, and between the regular season and the postseason, […]

A Long Walk

With the Mets batting because they had to in the eighth inning of Thursday night’s game, I got out of my seat at Citi Field and took a walk.

The immediate reason was straightforward, but there were other reasons, too. My feet were cold. My legs were stiff. I was upset. And I knew that for […]

Three Times Yes

Eight pitches.

They were the first sign that Monday afternoon’s Game 2 might go better than Sunday’s steamrolling. Happily, they weren’t the last.

Leading off against Ryan Brasier, the first man in a parade of Dodger relievers, Francisco Lindor worked a 2-1 count, then fouled off four sliders and fastballs. Brasier, possibly a little frustrated to see […]

The Happiest of Madnesses

Here’s an unforgivable fan sin: “I don’t want them to clinch tonight because I have tickets for tomorrow and want to see it myself.”

I’ve heard that a time or two, and it’s all I can do to limit myself to pointed disagreement instead of reacting in a way that would get me taken away in […]

Higher Ground

As I was getting out of my uniform, Jerry Koosman, whose locker stood next to mine, was slipping into his street clothes. “Wrap it up tomorrow, Koos,” I said. “I don’t want to go back to Baltimore. That place makes Fresno look like Paris.”

“I’ll get ’em,” Jerry said. “I don’t want to go there either.”
—Tom […]

Learning to Embrace

There was a wonderful moment back in Atlanta, one that’s nearly been forgotten in all the joyful, exhausting tumult of what’s followed.

Steve Gelbs was interviewing Francisco Lindor, only Gelbs was drenched in alcohol and having trouble getting past the fact that his eyes were burning.

“You’re suffering!” said an even more drenched Lindor. “You’re not embracing! […]