The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Pete Alonso Will Not Go Quietly Into the Night

More than once this year, I’ve thought to myself that Pete Alonso would probably be more of a hitter if he were less of a teammate.

But Alonso isn’t capable of that. He cares about his teammates, about the only organization he’s ever known, and yes, about us lunatics in the stands. He wants to come […]

Francisco & Company

Late on a Sunday night in 1975, I’m watching Sammy & Company on Channel 4 because I’m up, it’s on, and nothing else is. The Sammy in question is Sammy Davis, Jr. He’s done it all in show business and now he’s hosting this syndicated not quite talk show, not quite variety show. It’s got […]

One for the Money, Two for the Show

The Mets live. You didn’t necessarily see that coming, did ya?

Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. Hope for the best, expect the Mets is my credo. I expected the Mets to do their best on Sunday in Milwaukee. Whether that and concurrent events in Atlanta and Arizona would be enough to survive and then some […]

We're in Trouble

Yes, Ramon De Jesus’s umpire scorecard is going to be a thing to behold. (It’ll show up here if you want to torture yourself.) The most egregious missed call was, rather obviously, the ball four on Francisco Alvarez that was called strike three, turning a bases-loaded situation for the Mets into the end of an […]

The Asterisk of Heartbreak

A couple of things I’ve finally figured out about pitchers in recent years of fandom:

Their game logs are portraits of ebb and flow, and you assume the worst (or the best) at your peril. Jose Quintana looked like a prime candidate for “I’ll drive that guy to the airport myself” earlier this summer; his last […]

The First 6.25%

When they announce the next year’s baseball schedule I take a look, because how can’t you? But after a couple of glances — When’s the home opener? How many times do we go to the West Coast? — I go back to whatever I was doing. The dates are far off, you have no idea […]

Thought Process No Longer Valid

So, what do I lead with when this no-hitter is over? Bob Moose in 1969? Max Scherzer in 2015? Proof that a no-hitter thrown at the Mets late in a season doesn’t necessarily preclude that season from having a successful (maybe Amazin’ly successful) postseason? That’s a tough sell. I know it’s true, but when the […]

Look Who's No. 6


OK, maybe that message isn’t inspiring enough to make a September scoreboard in Queens, but it’s true: At this writing the Mets are a game ahead of the Braves for the third National League wild card, which is a fancy way of saying sixth in a league that now grants playoff spots […]

Our Time in Eden

These days…

I’m tempted to offer no notes on what feels, now that it’s been put in the books, like a perfect win. The Mets never trailed. When the score grew close, the Mets added on eventually. When the score grew close again, the Mets prevented it from becoming even — then added on immediately. The […]

Rumors in the Forest

These days, you don’t have to be in the New York area — or the outer limits of AM radio range — to keep up with the Mets. You just need an MLB account and a certain amount of cell service.

Well, and a little luck.

The beginning of the Mets’ game against the Red Sox found […]