The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Happiest of Madnesses

Here’s an unforgivable fan sin: “I don’t want them to clinch tonight because I have tickets for tomorrow and want to see it myself.”

I’ve heard that a time or two, and it’s all I can do to limit myself to pointed disagreement instead of reacting in a way that would get me taken away in […]

Oh, Huascar, Huascar, Huascar

It is one of my most deeply ingrained articles of faith that if a Met hits a grand slam, especially if a Met hits a grand slam that puts the Mets in front — especially if a Met hits a grand slam that puts the Mets ahead in the late innings of game that stands […]

Hung With ’Em Until They Didn’t

Congratulations to the New York Mets of July 5, 2024, for doing something no Mets team had ever done before in a blowout loss so bad that a position player had to pitch. On Friday night, the Mets, whose last call to the visitors’ bullpen at PNC Park would summon catcher Luis Torrens, actually stayed […]

One Not So Shining Moment

Carlos Carrasco appeared forlorn, first on the mound, more so in the clubhouse when reporters asked him about his declining velocity, his difficulties adjusting to the timer and everything else that had gone wrong. Tommy Hunter had no choice but to wear a hit-eating grin when the camera found him at his lowest. The pitching […]

Fans Round Into Postseason Form, Too

Pete Alonso grabbed his lumber
And laid on the Brewers
A three-run number

When Francisco Lindor
Saw what Pete had done
He bettered Pete’s bomb
By a sum of one

That’s basically the story of how the Mets employed a Lizzie Borden-style attack in Milwaukee Tuesday night to hack their way to a 7-5 victory in the penultimate game of their series […]

Perfect Alignment (for Now)

It’s an axiomatic to what we do here at Faith and Fear that the Mets are front and center in life for at least six months a year, with 1:10 pm and 7:05 pm the times around which calendars get constructed, not to mention all the oddball 10s and 05s on the clock necessitated by […]

Mets Who Go Slam in the Night

I took a little Matz nap somewhere between very late Tuesday night and very early Wednesday morning. It was peaceful. Steven Matz had made it so, via professional hitting, heady baserunning and characteristically competent pitching. The pitching’s what we tune in for even if it’s also what we nod […]

The Big Four-Oh

They called him Sudden Sam McDowell because he threw fast, not because he tended to put his team in the deepest hole imaginable as quickly as possible, but that’s what the hard-throwing lefty the Giants obtained from Cleveland did to his new team on May 14, 1972. […]

The Jose Bautista Game

You don’t remember Jose Bautista was a Met? Yeah, he was another one of those veterans the Mets picked up when nobody else wanted him, another one of those faded stars of whom it was assumed he had nothing left. This was in 2018 when the Mets seemed to be doing a lot of that. Maybe that’s […]

You Gotta Have Start

First game of the first doubleheader in Minute Maid Park history. First game back in Houston after Hurricane Harvey. First start for Matt Harvey after missing two-and-a-half months. First innings pitched in the major league careers of Jacob Rhame and Jamie Callahan. First game in a Mets uniform for Nori Aoki. First time since 2009 […]