The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Glass Case of Emotion

Can the Mets win by seven and have that feel like an afterthought?

It turns out they can — if the takeaway from the game isn’t a blast of a homer by Pete Alonso or a hustling triple by happily hale and hearty Brandon Nimmo or a host of hitting to break the second half of […]

We Live Here Now

Hope springs eternal if you’re a Mets fan, but even springs can lose their sproing. Come Tuesday evening, I have to admit I wasn’t particularly feeling it — if you’d shown me a flash card that said METS, I most likely would have responded by having a tantrum about Edwin Diaz and demanding to know […]

A Tide Receding

After a one-day respite, the Mets were back to doing nothing in particular, this time against the Dodgers. They showed little discipline at the plate, ran the bases poorly, and generally played the role of GENERIC OPPONENT, standing around looking poleaxed while the Dodgers bunched hits and played solid defense and loped off with the […]

It's Come to This...

…fuck it, let’s do an actual Mad Lib.

The Mets lost again, continuing their painful slide, and what, really, is there to say?

There were some mildly encouraging moments, such as ______________ and the moment where ______________. And at least _______________ showed a little fight.

But it wasn’t enough. It hasn’t been enough for a long time. There […]

Consolation Prizes

Congratulations to Drew Gagnon for making his major-league debut — and collecting an RBI in his first plate appearance at-bat.

If you detect snark in that, hold your fire. The congratulations are sincere. Gagnon is in his eighth professional season, and with his third organization. Las Vegas marked the fourth season in a row he’d pitched […]

Still Sinking

Shockingly, flipping the calendar to July did not, in fact, mean an end to the Mets’ woes.

Here’s the faintest of silver linings about this terrible, horrible, no-good, very very very bad season: awful, soul-killing, rip-your-heart-out losses no longer even leave a mark.

The Mets led Toronto by a cool 5-0 early Tuesday night, with Asdrubal Cabrera, […]

My Shameful Little Secret

This was how I watched everything go wrong for Corey Oswalt and the Mets tonight: I looked down at the floor, slightly to the left of my foot, stealing glimpses between bites of chicken and potatoes.

The floor was where my phone was, with MLB At Bat set to Gameday. Could I tell exactly what was […]

Varieties of Pointlessness

At least the Mets are shaking things up.

You no longer tune in guaranteed to see a valiant starting pitcher labor in futility with zero run support, waiting for the one slip-up that will prove fatal. Oh, that possibility’s still front and center, but the Mets have expanded their repertoire. You might also get an acceptable, […]

Two-Wilpon Monte

The Mets lost. Again. As they have done throughout this stake-in-the-heart homestead. As they have done with numbing regularity since mid-April.

The details don’t particularly matter, so we’ll buzz through them quickly: they ambushed Yankees starter Domingo German for an unfathomable three runs in the first, on home runs by Todd Frazier and Asdrubal Cabrera.

If you […]

Surrender and Acceptance

So who was betting on “Rafael Montero blows it almost immediately” when pondering how Wednesday’s game was going to end?

And how many of you astute folks were brave enough to put $100 down on that in Vegas?

If you did, I know you’re swaggering around wearing the grin of a person who’s got, say, $105.

This is what things have […]