The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Sky Is Falling But There's Always More Sky

Three thoughts on the Mets being unexpectedly and horrifically shorn of Edwin Diaz for the 2023 season:

1) Joe Sheehan got some grief on Twitter for saying that the loss of a “one-inning reliever” was “a bee sting, not an axe blow,” and while I wouldn’t have put it that way — losing Diaz is being […]

Until Somebody Gets Hurt

Prescience wasn’t required to sense it might happen and obliviousness didn’t necessarily obscure your senses if you were reveling in what was going on before it happened. I was between the top and the bottom of the ninth inning of the final game contested within Pool D of the World Baseball Classic, Puerto Rico playing […]

They Give Us Something to Talk About

Brandon Nimmo finally remembers how to steal bases and in activating his dormant skill aggravates a quad that merits exiting the game early, receiving imaging later and monitoring on a day-to-day basis.

But I don’t want to talk about that.

Jeff McNeil throws his body into every possible defensive play and has trouble getting up a couple […]

Have You Seen This Team?

MISSING: Sole proprietorship of first place in the National League East.

AGE: Approximately 5 months.

ANSWERS TO: Let’s Go Mets, LFGM or “Not Again”.

LAST SEEN: Leaving PNC Park following a third consecutive barely competitive loss to a last-place team.

RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS: World-class starting pitching, unrelenting middle-of-the-order production, indestructible right fielder, preternatural ability to quash lesser opponents.


Days of Discontent

One of my odder Met hobbies is keeping track of the franchise’s ghosts — players who are on the active roster but never appear in a game. Going into Tuesday night, the Mets had rostered four ghosts in 2022, which would be a record for a season: Gosuke Katoh, R.J. Alvarez, Sam Clay and Kramer […]

Plot Twist

The Monday night plan was simple enough: watch the Mets in full; watch the Mets win, if all went as desired; watch the finale of Better Call Saul, recorded while the Mets were winning.

What’s that phrase, “Man Plans, God Laughs”? This year, it’s usually, “Buck Plans, God Notices and says, ‘hmmm…I hadn’t thought of that […]

Fearful Symmetry

Let’s get this part out of the way: I was in the front of the Promenade a fair distance down the first-base line. So I can’t tell you jack about Max Scherzer‘s stuff or location or exactly what happened to various Met defenders or anything else that relies on the nuance of an up-close view. […]

Glass Case of Emotion

Can the Mets win by seven and have that feel like an afterthought?

It turns out they can — if the takeaway from the game isn’t a blast of a homer by Pete Alonso or a hustling triple by happily hale and hearty Brandon Nimmo or a host of hitting to break the second half of […]

The Hare, the Tortoise and Other Strange Creatures

Even by the Mets’ standard of absurdity, the first game of Saturday’s doubleheader was something: A stately chug out to a 9-0 lead, unbelievably blowing that 9-0 lead, then somehow winning anyway. (Followed by the seemingly inevitable hangover loss.)

For me the game was a blogger’s version of the tortoise and the hare: A couple of minutes […]

The Creme of the Crap

Thanks to doctor’s orders that didn’t come with an expiration date, I haven’t indulged in an Oreo or, for that matter, a Hydrox in many a year, but I think I still remember the optimal method for sandwich cookie enjoyment:

1) Pull apart.
2) Lick and luxuriate in the creme center (Oreo calls it “creme” rather than […]