The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Mets Win, Yankees Lose

GAME NOTES: The Mets scored nine runs Monday night at Yankee Stadium, defeating the Yankees, 9-7 … The Mets belted four home runs Monday night at Yankee Stadium, defeating the Yankees, 9-7 … Curtis Granderson, Eric Young and Travis d’Arnaud all took advantage of Yankee Stadium’s extremely generous right field dimensions, each hitting a short-porch […]

Bichette Keeps Happening

No matter which hitters constitute the heart of the Colorado Rockies order in a given series when the Mets play in Denver, the most daunting presence in the home team lineup remains Coors Field. The 20-year veteran may not intimidate in the fashion it did when it was a brash rookie, yet you can never […]

Saturday in the Dark

To put it in Verizonspeak, I’m “nowstalgic” for Friday night, the night I went to Citi Field and left toting a sack full of ebullience that fit my mood better than any single-sized free shirt will ever fit me. Friday night was my fifth game of the year. It was on target to be my […]

Beneath the Camouflage

The Mets of recent vintage have been more about sabotage than camouflage, but for a night all was well in Flushing. The good vibes started with Jenrry Mejia, whose mix of cutters, sinkers and sliders had the Cardinals flailing, muttering and occasionally smashing bats. Mejia faltered in the seventh, as per usual for 2014 Mets […]

Getcha Clobber On!

Definitely a blowout. Something like a laugher. Never in doubt.

The Mets scored three runs before Bronson Arroyo threw 15 pitches. Then I drifted off under the influence of Coricidin Cough & Cold. When I woke up, the Mets were ahead, I think, 7-0. I missed four runs? I guess I could’ve been sore (and achy) […]

Not Losing Feels Better Than Losing

Utter pessimism is dead! Long live tempered pessimism!

Losing, Lewis Grizzard once wrote, hurts worse than winning feels good. We’ve known plenty from losing and hurting. We’re only now processing again how winning feels. I’m not certain. After the 0-3 start that weighed 0-30 in Met-ric emotional tonnage, the simple act of not losing feels pretty […]

Past, Present and Future


Here’s a sign of spring: The 2014 Topps cards are out.

Let’s not go overboard: This isn’t the greatest set. The photography’s good again, but Topps has developed an unfortunate predilection for novelty shots, with far too many players romping with teammates (and often on dreaded horizontal cards), getting doused with Gatorade or showing off Oscar […]

Well, That Was d'Arnaud Fun

Remember the bottom of the first, when Travis d’Arnaud crouched down behind the plate in his very old-school catcher’s gear and made his major-league debut?

That was awesome.

Too bad the rest of the game sucked.

And it did suck — it was a sloggy, groggy mess that took the better part of forever while being alternately depressing […]

Anger Counts As Feeling Something

Get out your microscopes, because we’re going to examine a very small silver lining.

For much of the spring, as horrific loss followed horrific loss, I advised you to do something else with your summer, even as I knew I wouldn’t take my own advice. I didn’t and I’m glad I didn’t, because the Mets are […]

Defeat's Jaws Left Barren, Baffled

FLUSHING, N.Y. (FAFIF) — The Jaws of Defeat expressed bafflement after being certain it had secured the New York Mets within its formidable bite at Citi Field Tuesday night.

“Huh?” the bewildered Jaws of Defeat asked. “Where did the Mets go? I was sure I had them.”

The Mets indeed appeared all but ensconced inside the Jaws […]