The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Gas Theory of Bad Ballclubs

The Mets beat the White Sox behind back-to-back homers from Pete Alonso and Jesse Winker, with Jose Butto surviving a decidedly shaky ninth to secure the save.

That’s the brief, pertinent-facts-only recap of a game I absorbed in fits and starts — I’m out here in Tacoma getting my kid moved back into a dorm room, […]

We Shall Now Call the Roll

The chair recognizes the delegate from Manaea.

Mister Secretary! The great state of Manaea wishes to cast all seven-plus of its innings, including the first five-and-two-thirds that were absolutely PERFECT, for the team that allows its starting pitcher to consistently go at least seven innings when able, the team we will strive like HECK to bring […]

Delayed Entrance

Maybe the Mets were trying to tell us something by not letting us inside the ballpark until 90 minutes before first pitch. What they were telling us was at some point they changed the entrance time for a weeknight non-promotion game. For as long as I can remember, the gates opened at 5:10 for a […]

They're Always the New-Look Mets

All is fleeting, grasshopper. Even baseball teams. Especially baseball teams.

Mets come, Mets go. The franchise is an ever-shifting assemblage of overlapping stints in orange and blue, some lasting years, some concluded in minutes. For a fun game, construct a chain of overlapping Met teammates back to 1962 with as few links as possible; what I […]

Gimme Runs

I suppose every good party is followed by a helluva hangover.

The Mets drew within half a game of the Braves with an unlikely victory Thursday night, passed them in the standings with an absolute beatdown on Friday … and then reality set in. Saturday was Spencer Schwellenbach muzzling them, whoever he was. And Sunday … […]

Pick Another Planet

The Mets’ return to Mercury went about as well as the maiden voyage 25 years ago. On July 27, 1999, New York’s National League franchise garbed up as from the planet closest to the sun and got burned, competitively and aesthetically. They lost to the Pirates that night and looked like…let’s say not Mets. Not […]

A Good Nap Spoiled

I loved watching the great victory today, a shutout for our side, with New York coming through toward the end. I am referring, of course, to my annual viewing of 1776, a film I still find worth watching every Fourth of July, my custom since 1991 and something I hope to do as long as […]

Goes to Show You Never Can Tell

What a strange game.

The Mets and Mariners — those foes from so many past epics — met again under bottom-of-the-aquarium conditions, getting started late because of rain and squinting their way through the final innings because of fog. The meteorological strangeness was matched by plenty of the on-the-field variety, with Chris Bassitt looking frustrated with […]

Now Rob Manfred Has Also Messed Up the Air

The Mets have now played the Mariners 16 times in their history, but such a matchup will always feel a bit like a videogame showdown with a weird little cousin. “You want to be the Mariners? C’mon, really? It’s the AL West — I don’t know any of those names. Hell, half of them look […]

Agents of Chaos

There are games you’re clearly fated to win, ones you’re pretty much guaranteed to lose, and ones where the outcome teeters and totters between joy and horror while your heart tries to keep pace. And then there are games like Monday night’s in Cincinnati — ones where the sheer insanity of everything gobbles up logic […]