The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Change We Needed

Rare is the candidate who makes good on the vast majority of his promises, but when you find one who does, you owe him your vote. Thus, this Election Day, it’s a landslide.

Johan Santana is Faith and Fear in Flushing’s Most Valuable Met for 2008.

As we continue to pick the debris from the wreckage of […]

Magical Misty Tour

“It’s time to be a MAN.” — Johan

A long time ago I lived in a group house outside Washington, D.C., and the male housemates had a running joke. The premise was that the world’s men had formed a union, and our president was Steve Young, then the never-say-die quarterback of the San Francisco 49’ers. If […]

It's Either Sadness or Euphoria

O, Death
O, Death
Won’t you spare me over ’til another year?
—Ralph Stanley

O, Mets. That’s all I keep saying to myself this week. O, Mets. I won’t know what it means ’til after Sunday’s game. Maybe later.

Maybe much later.

It is not out of the question that Johan Santana’s mastery of the Marlins goes down as every bit […]

All Day and All of the Night

“I have to go home.”

“You are home.”

—William Miller and Penny Lane on tour with Stillwater in Almost Famous

You going to a game? You go to the game — then you go home. Not Sunday. Not the day-night doubleheader. The first rule of day-night doubleheader is it is not a doubleheader. A doubleheader is two for […]

What a God Almighty Moment

This is the fun part. This is the moment when Johan Santana can do no wrong. He will step up to a podium. He will be handed a uniform top and cap that each of us, by some bizarre coincidence, owns some iteration of. He will slip the top over his dress shirt, slap the […]

Santana on Wednesday, Super Bowl Tonight!

The Mets completed a trade for the best pitcher in the world 52 hours ago. Eli Manning just led the heretofore mediocre Giants past the heretofore undefeated Patriots for the championship of professional tackle football. And, for all I know, cats are doing math.

Sheesh…these days everything is possible.