The blog for Mets fans
who like to read
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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by Greg Prince on 8 February 2025 6:28 pm
The Mets’ How We Spent Our Winter Vacation essay can be produced in succinct fashion: “We did some signing. We did some trading. We did some retaining.” Given who they signed in December and who they retained in February, that’s a dozen words worthy of a pretty high grade.
Free agents and player swaps are what […]
by Jason Fry on 1 February 2025 5:26 pm
Oh, it was a fun year. Such a fun year! The fuel light came on and the engine quit a little ways short of the Promised Land, but what a joyride until then! We got 34 new Mets, five of them making their MLB debuts. Some look like pieces of the future, others remind us […]
by Jason Fry on 21 October 2024 12:19 am
The Mets lost, and their season is over.
Sean Manaea didn’t have his putaway stuff, Phil Maton looked gassed, and Kodai Senga turned in one good inning but not a second. Meanwhile, the hitters worked solid ABs and kept creating traffic, but couldn’t get the big hit they needed: They were 2 for 9 with runners […]
by Greg Prince on 9 October 2024 10:36 am
As I was getting out of my uniform, Jerry Koosman, whose locker stood next to mine, was slipping into his street clothes. “Wrap it up tomorrow, Koos,” I said. “I don’t want to go back to Baltimore. That place makes Fresno look like Paris.”
“I’ll get ’em,” Jerry said. “I don’t want to go there either.”
—Tom […]
by Greg Prince on 6 October 2024 12:25 pm
The New York Mets broke it to me gently early Saturday evening. They appreciate my help, but they got this. They have a plan, they know what they’re doing, they’re going to do it, I can just relax. I nodded my understanding. I’m not going to relax, but I think I get what they’re telling […]
by Jason Fry on 2 October 2024 6:57 am
It was the ninth inning against the Phillies, 10 days ago, and ESPN’s little win probability thing (a sop to gamblers, but that’s another post) was making me insane.
It said the Phillies had an 8% chance of coming back to beat the Mets, which was obviously wrong. Obviously and deliberately and nefariously wrong. I didn’t […]
by Jason Fry on 24 September 2024 10:36 pm
Fair warning that you’re not getting much of a recap. But then you didn’t get much of a game.
You’re not getting much of a recap because I want this game out of my brain as quickly as possible, and sulking about the outcome for an hour or three or six will neither help with that […]
by Jason Fry on 21 September 2024 12:38 am
The good news? The Braves lost. And the Mets were so bad so early against the Phillies that all involved — players and fans alike — essentially moved on even before the game was over, cramming it into the memory hole and hurrying away.
Emily and I were at Citi Field, sitting in the front of […]
by Greg Prince on 17 September 2024 11:41 am
Has there ever been a Mets team that has had this much fun winning? Of course there’s been. From the first Mets team to post a winning record, in 1969, to the most recent Mets team prior to the current edition that did so, in 2022, they all had themselves a blast in the process […]
by Jason Fry on 8 September 2024 9:35 am
OK, maybe that message isn’t inspiring enough to make a September scoreboard in Queens, but it’s true: At this writing the Mets are a game ahead of the Braves for the third National League wild card, which is a fancy way of saying sixth in a league that now grants playoff spots […]