The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Got Away Day

On Sunday morning, I read the Mets had lost their final game before the All-Star break the previous seven years there had been an All-Star break (which is to say not including 2020). Hence, I kept my hopes in check that the Mets would extend their momentum to a six-game winning streak and burnish the […]

The Nightly Quest for Precious Outs

The basics of Tuesday night’s game all look good in the recapping.

The Mets scored seven runs, powered by homers from Brandon Nimmo and Francisco Lindor, All-Stars in our hearts even if they aren’t accorded that status next week. Nimmo’s homer was a summer-night special, an apparent fly ball that got high up into the humid […]

A Good Nap Spoiled

I loved watching the great victory today, a shutout for our side, with New York coming through toward the end. I am referring, of course, to my annual viewing of 1776, a film I still find worth watching every Fourth of July, my custom since 1991 and something I hope to do as long as […]

Separated After Birth

I won’t claim it’s high on my lengthy list of Selig/Manfred era outrages, but it annoys me that the Astros are in the American League. They’re our expansion siblings, after all, arriving along with us in 1962 as the Colt .45s.

We began as a novelty act to salve the still-fresh wounds of Dodgers and Giants […]

Summer Hours

“Solstice schmolstice,” they might say in the bleachers at Wrigley Field, where the exact position of the sun doesn’t matter as long as it’s out somewhere. They have their new tradition of building a cup snake that wends all the way to Lake Michigan, perhaps Michigan itself, and they have their old tradition of throwing […]

Beneath Sunny Skies

Happy teams, like Russian families, are all alike — and somehow the Mets are a happy team again.

That happens when you win four in a row, when J.D. Martinez is locked in, when Brandon Nimmo collects two RBIs, when Francisco Lindor pulls off an eye-popping play at shortstop, when Jose Quintana actually throws strikes and […]

Mood-Matching Outfits

Good call Friday night wearing the reimagined (apparently during a bout of gloom) black jerseys in which the Mets wordmark, the player name and the numbers on the front and back sink forlornly into the fabric as if they followed Carole King’s example of staying in bed all morning just to pass the time. The […]

A Not So Fine Mess

Jose Quintana reported for work without any of the essentials, got bombed, and the Mets fought back gallantly but it wasn’t enough, the end.

That would suffice for a bite-sized recap, I suppose — this felt like one of the 50 or 60 or however many it is games that you’re guaranteed to lose, with the […]

Let’s Get Pivotal

Intrigue lurked here and there among the Mets and Cardinals for seven innings Sunday afternoon. So, frankly, did boredom. As a baseball fan, you don’t want to dismiss a game with little scoring as boring; as a baseball fan, you are conditioned to appreciate tautness and tension, and there was a little much action between […]

Old Habits and New Victories

How do you know things are going well? Here’s a sign: You take the lead off an opposing pitcher before he even throws a pitch.

The Mets somehow did that Tuesday night, the culmination of several unlikely events. They were down 1-0 to the Pirates in the seventh after being smothered by Pittsburgh’s Jared Jones and […]