The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Back to the Track

The season began with plenty of warning, yet I found myself scrambling in the hours before and after Opening Day to update all the things I keep track of once the season is underway. The files I maintain for my and occasionally your amusement/edification looked like the aftermath of a party nobody had bother cleaning […]

Just Enough Still Counts as Enough

Baseball — perhaps you’ve heard — is a game of contrasts.

Take Hunter Greene vs. Jose Quintana, the starters for Friday night’s game in chilly Cincinnati. Greene is young, enormous and all but dripping talent, in possession of a high-90s fastball he can throw past big-league hitters as well as an evil slider tailor-made for embarrassing […]

Turn the Lights Back On

Care for an omen? The Mets lost their last game of the season in 1968, a home game. They then lost their first game of the season in 1969, also a home game. That particular unpromising strand of homestanding Closing Day/Opening Day synergy hadn’t transpired again until they lost, 9-1, at home last October 1 […]

Tidings at the Ides

What Met tidings do the ides of March bring this spring? I’d like to believe glad, though in the middle a month devoted to merely getting ready for the season ahead, who can tell?

Two sentences, two question marks. Only in March? Always in March.

Entering the action of March 15, which includes a game matching Met […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2023!

Horrible weather, horrible offseason, horrible everything. You know what might put some pep in our collective step? Looking back at guys who made their Mets debuts during the horrible 2023 season! Some of these guys have already vanished from memory; others we merely wish we could unremember. Like I said, horrible. But they matriculated in […]

Middling Highs, Middling Lows

I watched the victorious Jets quarterback stand before the football press late Monday night and extol the virtues of never getting too high or too low, which I’m pretty sure I’ve heard an athlete or two or two-million mention before, but since the victorious Jets quarterback Monday night was Zach Wilson rather than Aaron Rodgers, […]

Things to Celebrate

Francisco Alvarez connecting for a long home run. Ronny Mauricio driving in a run and making some nifty plays afield. Mark Vientos tripling. Brett Baty driving in runs and ending the game with a highlight-reel play.

There was a lot to like from the anticipated future of the Mets on Tuesday night: They beat the Nats […]

Somthing Might Be Gaining on Them

Kudos to the Mets for scheduling the finale of their series versus the Rangers tonight a half-hour earlier than usual. The 6:40 PM start time, slotted in deference to Texas’s travel itinerary, isn’t a secret, but it will no doubt take some habitual viewers and listeners by surprise. The Mets begin virtually all of their […]

They’re Better, You Bet

SNY spotlighted a clubhouse interview after Wednesday night’s game as if it was news. Francisco Lindor said the Braves were better than the Mets. This is news in the sense that this just in: Studies Show Pleasure Preferable to Pain.

What’s the scoop here? That one of the Mets’ leading players recognized that the team that […]

On the 1s

Pete Alonso homered Saturday night in St. Louis. We know that’s not a first. DJ Stewart homered Saturday night in St. Louis. We know from his no longer wholly unexpected production that that wasn’t a first. Daniel Vogelbach launched a grand slam to pretty much bury St. Louis on Saturday night. We can pretend Daniel […]