The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Going Through Customs

Welcome to the United Kingdom. Before you enter the country, you must fill out this customs form.

NAME: New York Mets

OCCUPATION: Major League Baseball Team


REASON FOR VISIT: Baseball Games (2)

(please answer in detail)

• We declare we have swept our three most recent baseball games, from the […]

America’s Favorite Son

Dull and dreary turned to bright and shiny in an instant — the very last instant. If you’re gonna make such a switch, latest inevitably proves better than never.

Had Brandon Nimmo not swung and connected for the walkoff two-run homer that transformed a 3-2 deficit into a 4-3 victory, dull and dreary was prepared to […]

Hello, I'd Like to Pet a Therapy Ray

I don’t know if therapy rays are actually a thing (they probably are), but I’ve been to Tropicana Field, which has the affect of the world’s largest basement rec room and smells vaguely like pool cleaner, and the most interesting part of the stadium is the oft-shown pool where cownose rays swim around in a […]

Some Hurt More Than Others

I know you don’t want to hear it right now, but that was a great game.

It zipped along taut and tense, it featured a great pitchers’ duel and a brush with history, it turned on a player’s split-second decision, and it ended with a crushing reversal of fortune. If you were in the park — […]

Distant Dispatches

Well, at least this time Mets pitchers didn’t walk anybody.

Luis Severino wasn’t giving out free passes Tuesday night in San Francisco, and for four innings he wasn’t let any Giant earn his way onto the bases either. But the well ran dry in the fifth as lousy sequencing and buzzards’ luck combined to turn a […]

Twisting and Turning With the Baseball Gods

When your team’s bad you spend a lot of time fuming about how it should be made good. This guy who’s failed too often needs to lose his job to this guy who hasn’t failed yet, any fool can see the lineup should be revamped so it works like this, etc.

I’m not generally one for […]

Too Many Innings

As soon as you understand that a manager is going to try to “stay away” from using the relievers he relies on most, you also understand you’re going to need either a spit-ton of runs from your lineup or a comparable amount of innings from your starting pitcher. By the middle of the sixth inning […]

Grading on the Curve

Years ago, after too many not-yet-spring days spent at Shea watching it rain, waiting in horrible lines for bad coffee or both, my wife instituted a rule: No ballpark visits before May. In recent years, as I’ve become older and grumpier and more fragile, I’ve made her rule my own. I hope Opening Day is […]

Patching Things Up

“What a break,” the player said. “Wow! This is great. I can hardly believe it. Imagine going to a club like the Phillies. I feel like I’ve been born again.”

The player was Buddy Harrelson, on the occasion of his trade from the Mets in Spring Training 1978. The Mets were founded in 1962 and were […]

Depth, Dearth, Desire

I count fourteen players with major league experience the Mets have picked up in the past month or so. I feel I recognize five, maybe six of the names. I’ve probably seen a few others as Met opponents but forgotten them. A generous portrayal of their collective appeal would be they provide our team with […]