The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The (Very) Little Things

Somehow even people who aren’t baseball fans know that spring is about renewal. Bare tree branches begin sprouting tender green buds. Flowers and bright shoots of grass poke out of the earth. The sun’s around a little longer and starts to feel a little warmer. Everything feels fragile, but with the promise of heat and […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2019!

Another year in the books! Another decade in the books! And another class of matriculating Mets to welcome to The Holy Books!

Background: I have a trio of binders, long ago dubbed The Holy Books (THB) by Greg, that contain a baseball card for every Met on the all-time roster. They’re in order of arrival in […]

Mets of the 2010s: 80-71

Welcome to the third chapter of Faith and Fear’s countdown of The Top 100 Mets of the 2010s. An introduction to the series is available here; you can read the most recent installment here. These are the more or less best Mets we rooted for as Mets fans these past ten years. Since a decade […]

Scooter and the Solar Bear

The Mets kept their heartbeat faint but detectable by beating the Reds on Sunday afternoon — a game I started listening to on the Tripper Bus back from D.C. and that ended with me standing in my living room in Brooklyn. (First comment: “I know they’re throwbacks, but the Reds really need to retire those […]

An Evening Well Spent

While watching Tuesday night’s game against the Rockies, I thought of a good idea and immediately decided I wanted nothing to do with it for a while.

The idea came from the shame bell in Game of Thrones, which you may know as an Internet meme even if you’re not familiar with the show. I was […]

You Can't Outguess Baseball

Let me take you back a little ways, to a not-long-ago iteration of the National League wild-card chase. The Diamondbacks were destiny’s new darlings, winning night after night and all set up for a run at the postseason, with the easiest schedule of any of the remaining contenders.

As for the Mets, they were dead and […]

Jed Men Tell Odd Tales

Date: September 7, 2019
Patient: Mr. L

Mr. L began our session by telling me he had “that dream again,” his very specific variation on the dream in which a person shows up for the final exam and realizes they haven’t been to class all semester. In Mr. L’s case, it’s what he calls “the baseball […]

Parts Fulfilling, Sum Inadequate

Pete Alonso’s team record-setting 42nd home run.
Wilson Ramos’s 20th consecutive game with a base hit.
Chris Mazza’s stirrups and how he gets them.

Weave those three uplifting elements into a broader story about a hypothetical magnificent Mets win achieved amid a sizzling Mets playoff chase and you’ve got some late-August iconography for the ages. Isolate them from […]

Love Is In The Air

When the 2019 Mets look up “quit” in the dictionary, you know whose picture they see? It’s a trick question, because not only don’t they know the meaning of the word “quit,” it’s never occurred to them to investigate further.

They’d been telling us for months that this is how they operate. “This team doesn’t quit.” […]

Impossible to Not Believe

FLUSHING (FAF) — The New York Mets did not come back to defeat the Washington Nationals, 7-6, Friday night, as Todd Frazier did not hit a game-tying, ninth-inning, three-run homer off Nationals closer Sean Doolittle, not setting up an immediate second rally that didn’t culminate in Michael Conforto driving home Juan Lagares with the winning […]