The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Baby Mets Monitor

I was in Boston this weekend for my niece’s med-school graduation, which meant the Mets took a back seat to family doings. But not much of a back seat, seeing how it was me and all — the Mets went about their business in my ear, via GameDay and my watch face, on my phone […]

Most Valuable Angles

In the spirit of the Baseball Writers Association of America members with whom I rubbed or at least grazed elbows Friday night, I humbly submit my ballot for Most Valuable Angle from the 10-9 ten-inning Mets win over the Guardians.

This first-place vote may seem like the height […]

In Which the Kids Go on a Big Adventure With Their Polar Bear Pal

For most of Wednesday night, my only thought was that feeling pain because of the Mets was actually progress: better writhing in agony than sitting dour and numb watching another night of bad baseball, as we have for the last three and a half weeks.

Kodai Senga was the best he’s looked as a Met, with […]

It's Not Going Well

A confounding Mets season took another confounding turn Monday afternoon, when the team followed up Sunday’s burst of offensive competence (counterpoint, maybe the Nationals decided to experiment and do Whip-Its between innings) by once again looking like an outfit with zero resemblance to a professional baseball team. Going into Monday, you might have said, “Well, […]

The Experience of America

The Mets are opening a “speakeasy” out in right field. I think Prohibition has been over roughly 90 years, so I’m not sure why one would need to know a secret password to get in, but why quibble with a concept, especially when the name of this high rollers club is intended as an homage […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2022!

Spring is here … oh wait it totally isn’t, it’s cold and barren and horrible out there. But spring will be here soon enough, believe it or not. Which means we’d better welcome 2022’s matriculating Mets, now proud members of The Holy Books!

(Background: I have three binders, long ago dubbed The Holy Books by Greg, […]

When the Kids Make It to the Ballpark

Willie Mays showed up at the ballpark this week. It doesn’t matter which ballpark, but for the record, it was Oracle Park in San Francisco, convenient in that Willie lives near San Francisco, appropriate because for those privileged to be in his presence, he is baseball’s oracle. Willie has been a regular at Giant games […]

Conviction of the Heart

A 7-1 win is, by nature, convincing. Thursday night at Citi Field, the Mets got the 7, the Pirates got the 1 — the Mets won by a lot, no doubt about it. Very convincing.

Very convincing for Thursday night, at least. Every win the Mets have racked up since September 2, within the parameters of […]

Heart Attack Nights

The Mets, of late, play two kinds of games: ones in which they lose seemingly winnable affairs in horribly frustrating ways and ones in which they beat the absolute tar out of their opponents without breaking too much of a sweat. We’re a third of the way through September, and I’m not sure I can […]

Rob’s Got This

As long as Rob Manfred is announcing that extreme shifting will be a thing of the past in 2023, let’s retroactively get rid of double plays. In the spirit of the pitch clock that will redefine the imposition of time within the confines of the once-timeless game of baseball, let’s turn the overall clock back […]