The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It’s Always Something

To borrow an opening line from an impeccable source, it was twenty years ago today that Faith and Fear in Flushing began to play. With a little help from our friends who’ve read us, contacted us and been an essential part of us, we’ve kept playing. Just like the Mets. Just like some other players.

It […]

Francisco & Company

Late on a Sunday night in 1975, I’m watching Sammy & Company on Channel 4 because I’m up, it’s on, and nothing else is. The Sammy in question is Sammy Davis, Jr. He’s done it all in show business and now he’s hosting this syndicated not quite talk show, not quite variety show. It’s got […]

The 2023 Oscar’s Caps Awards

When Oscar Madison, our avatar of Mets in the Popular Culture, is sloppy, dog bites man. When Oscar Madison attempts to be neat, the fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves (Shakespeare). In the Odd Couple episode “Cleanliness is Next to Impossible,” Oscar is unwittingly hypnotized to Felix Unger levels of fussiness. Only […]

The 2022 Oscar’s Cap Awards

There’s Oscar pouring ketchup on his salad. There’s Felix expressing revulsion. There’s Oscar explaining to him ketchup is the culinary equivalent of tomato wine (tomato dressing would have been a more logical retort, but maybe somebody in the writer’s room was thinking wine on salad evoked oil and vinegar). Oscar, of course, is wearing a […]

The 2021 Oscar’s Cap Awards

“There’s gonna be a lot of talk tonight,” Oscar Madison warned his audience during his tryout as a sports talk radio host in 1974. “Some of it you’ll like and some of it you won’t.” This was after he heeded his roommate Felix Unger’s advice and altered his style to reflect the hostility, sarcasm and […]

In the Nick of Time

Later this week I’ll be along with the Tenth Annual awarding of the Oscar’s Caps, recognizing the year in Mets Pop Culture. But one Mets pop culture sighting in particular was too big to confine to a sentence or paragraph amid a catalogue of other, albeit worthy sightings (all Mets pop culture sightings are worthy), […]

The 2020 Oscar’s Cap Awards

Considering he didn’t file a single column all year, Oscar Madison had a pretty good 2020. You might even say he showed up ready to play more often than Jed Lowrie did…but who among us in a Mets cap didn’t?

Oscar and his milieu enjoyed a recurring role across the pages of The New York Mets […]

Friends Who Thrive

Faith and Fear has the finest readers anywhere, we say with total objectivity, thus we thought we’d let you fine people about some Mets-related projects a few of our friends on the other side of the screen have lately crafted or are in the midst of crafting.

• Michael Elias has published the relationship-driven novel Two […]

The 2019 Oscar’s Cap Awards

You had to love how Oscar Madison covered sports. For example, the New York Herald columnist was assigned a Jets-Dolphins tilt for first place, but his roommate Felix Unger, paralyzed by a fear of flying, convinced him to accompany him on a flight Houston by persuading him that his talents would be better challenged writing […]

The 2018 Oscar’s Cap Awards

Sure, Oscar Madison’s column was a big deal in the New York Herald sports section, but who made sure Oscar’s copy made its way from Oscar’s messy desk to his editor? None other than his secretary Myrna Turner. The same Myrna Turner who made halftime history showing off her […]