The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Spotlight Dimmed

The Oscars were handed out Sunday night. Thus, per Monday morning-after tradition, the Academy pauses to remember those Mets who have, in the baseball sense, left us in the past year.

Relief Pitcher
August 5, 2015 – September 25, 2015

Ronnie seemed to catch himself and tried to walk his presumptuousness back, but it […]

Blurred Men

The Oscars were handed out Sunday night. Thus, per Monday morning-after tradition, the Academy pauses to remember those Mets who have, in the baseball sense, left us in the past year.

April 24, 2012 – September 28, 2013

I saw Zach Lutz (barely) prevent a no-hitter in the seventh inning and a […]

12 Months A Met

The Oscars were handed out Sunday night. Thus, per Monday morning-after tradition, the Academy pauses to remember those Mets who have, in the baseball sense, left us in the past year.

April 7, 2013 – April 20, 2013

[T]he Mets are so shallow in the starting pitching pool and so determined to not “start […]

Are Gone

The Oscars were handed out Sunday night. Thus, per Monday morning-after tradition, the Academy pauses for a moment to remember those Mets who have, in the baseball sense, left us in the past year.

May 28, 2012

Jack Egbert, a righthanded reliever with a last name reminiscent of a weird comic I recall […]

The Artists Formerly Known as Mets

As has become annual custom here on the day following the night the Oscars are presented, the Academy would like to pause for a moment to remember those Mets who have, in the baseball sense, left us in the past year.

May 7, 2011 – June 1, 2011

Impressive too was the […]

The Former Met's Speech

As has become annual custom here on the day following the night the Oscars are presented, the Academy would like to pause for a moment to remember those Mets who have, in the baseball sense, left us in the past year.

Joaquin Arias, 2010
Earth to Jerry: The game counted. It was 1-1. We could have used […]

The Bare Locker

The Academy would like to pause for a moment to remember those Mets who have left us in the past year…

Casey Fossum, 2009
Who says the Mets don’t honor their heritage? Tuesday night they went to St. Louis, where they played their first National League game just over 47 years ago, and paid homage to the […]

Some Gone Millionaires

The Academy would like to pause for a moment to remember those Mets who have left us in the past year…

Gustavo Molina, 2008

I was surprised — and, oddly, a little disappointed — to find Gustavo isn’t, in fact, part of the seemingly inescapable Molina catching clan. Perhaps “molina” means “receiver” in some Spanish dialect, much […]

No Country For Old Mets

The Academy would like to pause for a moment to remember those Mets who have left us in the past year…

Chan Ho Park, 2007

…Park was unlucky in the third, but that wasn’t bad luck in the fourth. That was nearly 900 feet of bad pitches redirected so quickly and violently by Amezaga and Ramirez that […]

The Departed

The Academy would like to take a moment to remember those Mets who have left us in the past year…

Jeremi Gonzalez, 2006
I won’t say “and that was that,” because didn’t Jeremi Gonzalez settle down in the second on Friday only to implode in the third?
—May 25, 2006

Bartolome Fortunato, 2004; 2006
Do you have a category for […]