The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Comebacks, Desired and Otherwise

He was a figure of renown in New York. He left the local scene in 2017. To the surprise of many, word spread a few months later that he’d be back in a big way in 2018.

But enough about […]

The Final Fall of Mike Francesa

Mike Francesa, who used to provide a lead-in to Mets Extra, is leaving the radio station that used to broadcast Mets games. Without that de facto Metsian connection, I doubt I would have listened to him much if at all. He has benefited from prime legacy real estate where my listenership is concerned. Francesa — […]

No Sacred Cows Graze Here

Our whole year builds up to these kinds of Fall Classic moments: we anticipate every move; we dissect every morsel of potential strategy; we hang on every word written and spoken in advance…and then, finally, the big event takes place.

For us Mets fans, offseason press conferences are our version of World Series games — except […]

The Four R's: Ruben, Reds, Rangers, Rays

On September 28, 2010, Ruben Tejada came to bat in the bottom of the ninth inning with a pair of runners on base and the Mets down 3-2 to the Milwaukee Brewers. He belted a double to deep left field. Ike Davis scored from third. Pinch-runner Luis Castillo chugged home from first. The Mets, already […]

The Last Days of Jerry Manuel

[T]he ending always comes at last
Endings always come too fast
They come too fast
But they pass too slow…
— Jimmy Webb

The Mets began this baseball season by playing the Florida Marlins. They suffered their first loss while playing the Florida Marlins. They absorbed their first serious body blow when they were swept by the Florida Marlins. They […]

Who Cares What Mike Francesa Thinks?

Apparently our favorite sports-radio hyena ripped Matthew Cerrone today for something he wrote about Mike Pelfrey. Francesa lobbed some personal attacks Cerrone’s way and then asked, “Who reads blogs anyway?”

What amuses me more than Francesa’s after-the-asteroid roaring is that is I found out about it on Metsblog. Which might surprise him, but not me. It’s […]

The Suffocating Insecurities of Mike Francesa

Pity Mike Francesa. He’s a very insecure man. Today he interviewed James Hirsch, the author of the wonderful Willie Mays: The Life, The Legend, and turned the conversation as well as the remainder of his show into a referendum (with his vote the only one that counts) on Mickey Mantle being better or more clutch […]

Now We Can Call It Bayrut

The Glass Is Three-Quarters Empty and the Last Quarter Is Crappy Warm Beer Version: The Mets have signed the runner-up left fielder — the one who’s not as good a defender, who will probably not age as well as a hitter, and reportedly didn’t want to play here — to a four-year deal that’s really […]

Bad Call

If all I did was watch SNY (and it’s close), I’d have no problem picking a Mets MVP for 2006.

Clearly, it’s Dave Magadan. Every time I turn this channel on, there he is going 3-for-4. He’s gotta be 21-for-28 by now. And the Mets are on the verge of clinching of the National League East […]