The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Like Never Before

“It is a vital part of American sports that the present is tethered to the past,” Tim Layden recently wrote in Sports Illustrated. As a line of thinking, it’s completely understandable and not necessarily undesirable. If we’re any kind of long-term fans, we root for whom we root because we’ve rooted for whom we’ve rooted. […]

Lucas Duda Flaps His Wings

Few are the long-running sitcoms that haven’t trotted out the trope in which Thanksgiving (or perhaps some other festive gathering, but usually Thanksgiving) is imperiled because there are too many guests and not enough seats at the table or, for that matter, not enough food for all the guests squeezing their way to the table.

The […]

Harvey Days Are Here Again

I clearly remember Bob Murphy opening the broadcast of September 27, 1998, from Atlanta by expressing his conviction that “there are days in your life…and this is one of them.” Made all the sense in the world to me. Too bad the Mets didn’t receive his message. They went out on that most urgent of […]

The Way We Speak Now

Mets fans understand each other because of our shared language, a common tongue that allows us to communicate with one another in a form of shorthand that speaks to our peaks of triumph, our valleys of despair and those plains on which we journey for the journey’s sake. Taken as a whole, our shared language […]

The Commitments

“Commitment, Abby, commitment. There are only two creatures of value on the face of this earth — those with a commitment and those who require the commitment of others.”
—Abigail Adams, comforting husband John by quoting his own words back to him when he doubts the cause he holds dear can endure, 1776

It’s a Friday night […]

Realization Comes to Flushing

Reality isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, but it eventually gets the best of us all, baseball teams included. After reality overtook the New York Mets as decisively as the Phillies, Braves and Marlins have since the last time the Mets contended, it seems as if the Mets themselves have finally gotten select doses of reality.

In […]

The Fundamentalist Movement

If I’ve learned anything from the returning Keith Hernandez these past few years that he has analyzed Mets games. it’s that ballplayers like to come up with new names for old things, particularly if they save the players some syllables. Thus, it was no surprise to me when I started hearing Keith make occasional reference […]

The Full Complement

There are supposed to be 162 games every season. Since 1962, the Mets have failed to play at least that many to a conclusive result in eleven different campaigns. A total of 132 were lost to labor stoppages in 1972, 1981, 1994 and 1995. Eleven more were forever rained out or cancelled by whatever means […]

After the Fire

I experienced an epiphany one day in 2007. It was Wednesday, May 30. I was kind of punchy, having fallen asleep on the reclining love seat in the living room after coming home from the Armando-Jose-Delgado twelve-inning thriller of May 29, and perhaps a little loopy from the fumes of the fire that broke out […]

Touching Home

The roads of Rome stood for two thousand years and more; who would predict less for the roads of Moses? Who would predict less for his Shea Stadium, a structure consciously shaped to resemble Rome’s Colosseum…?

—Robert Caro, “The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York,” 1974

The DiamondVision menu was classed up […]