The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Sound of One Team Racing

For consistency’s sake, we shall continue to refer to the state of affairs in which we’ve been thoroughly immersed as a pennant race, even if ours is the only team any longer racing.

Mathematical niceties demand we maintain on our faces an expression of severe purposefulness when the subjects of games ahead and games remaining arise. […]

October Is Further Away Than You Think

Tuesday night’s game … oof.

Let’s rip this Band-Aid off quickly: Jonathon Niese was terrible. Despite that, the Mets turned a 6-0 Phillies lead into a 6-4 contest. Enter Bobby Parnell, who combined with Eric O’Flaherty and Carlos Torres to allow eight runs in the inning — “a snowman,” as Keith Hernandez put it repeatedly. And that […]

Lucas, Like Us, Responds

The key to winning Saturday night’s game against the Nationals can be traced to the moment the Mets determined they needed to plant a genuine slugger in the heart of their batting order. Of course I’m referring to Lucas Duda, who the Mets acquired for future considerations last week, as in Lucas being told by […]

The Medium Hurt

For the first time in seven years, I’m finding myself more than moderately bothered by the result of a Mets game lost on this late a date on the calendar…an indicator of progress for the franchise, if not for myself.

We must be stepping up in class. Get to July 22 of previous seasons — or […]

Your Wishes Come True

I wish the Mets weren’t already out of the pennant race.
They’re not. They’re two games out.

I wish the Mets weren’t always getting their brains beaten in by the Washington Nationals.
They haven’t. They’ve split eight games this season thus far, winning the one last night.

I wish the Mets weren’t always falling apart after the All-Star break.
They […]

Pennant Race Muscle Memory

Saturday was just mild disgust, the kind that’s been de rigueur in Metsopotamia since 2009. You know how it goes: our starting pitcher is taken early and often into distant seating sections, our lineup falls easy prey to his opposite number and it rains before it can end. The Mets indeed played one of their […]

Playing Across to the Competition

After wrapping up their current series in Miami, the Mets re-enter the general baseball conversation for a little while, which has its upside and its down. The upside is everything the Mets do in their succeeding nine games against St. Louis, Atlanta and Washington potentially impacts the playoff picture. The down is that what appears […]