The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Happiest of Madnesses

Here’s an unforgivable fan sin: “I don’t want them to clinch tonight because I have tickets for tomorrow and want to see it myself.”

I’ve heard that a time or two, and it’s all I can do to limit myself to pointed disagreement instead of reacting in a way that would get me taken away in […]

Learning to Embrace

There was a wonderful moment back in Atlanta, one that’s nearly been forgotten in all the joyful, exhausting tumult of what’s followed.

Steve Gelbs was interviewing Francisco Lindor, only Gelbs was drenched in alcohol and having trouble getting past the fact that his eyes were burning.

“You’re suffering!” said an even more drenched Lindor. “You’re not embracing! […]

They Got This

The New York Mets broke it to me gently early Saturday evening. They appreciate my help, but they got this. They have a plan, they know what they’re doing, they’re going to do it, I can just relax. I nodded my understanding. I’m not going to relax, but I think I get what they’re telling […]

Once More, With Feeling

The following is not to be construed as an endorsement of playing a regular-season baseball game on a Sunday night, particularly when that game was originally scheduled to be played on a Sunday afternoon, and it’s definitely not an endorsement of any television network that has purchased the contractual right to move this baseball game […]

And Down the Memory Hole This One Goes

The good news? The Braves lost. And the Mets were so bad so early against the Phillies that all involved — players and fans alike — essentially moved on even before the game was over, cramming it into the memory hole and hurrying away.

Emily and I were at Citi Field, sitting in the front of […]

A Different Kind of Fun

I can feel it coming. Maybe it’ll be this year, or in five or in 10, but it’s a when and not an if: My physician will settle himself or herself on a stool, make sure I’m paying attention, and say the inevitable words.

Mr. Fry, you need to stop watching baseball.

There will be alternatives offered: […]

The Asterisk of Heartbreak

A couple of things I’ve finally figured out about pitchers in recent years of fandom:

Their game logs are portraits of ebb and flow, and you assume the worst (or the best) at your peril. Jose Quintana looked like a prime candidate for “I’ll drive that guy to the airport myself” earlier this summer; his last […]

The First 6.25%

When they announce the next year’s baseball schedule I take a look, because how can’t you? But after a couple of glances — When’s the home opener? How many times do we go to the West Coast? — I go back to whatever I was doing. The dates are far off, you have no idea […]

Gotta Have It

Some wins you’ve got to have. You traverse an ocean and lose the first of two scheduled high-profile games, you’ve got to come home with the second contest in your carry-on. You catapult ahead from what the odds termed prohibitively behind, you’ve got to remain ahead until the end. You’ve got this reputation for inevitably […]

Traveling Disaster

Back in the offseason, my mental calendar had a circle drawn around June 8-9: Mets in London!

A trip could be fun, particularly if Emily and I convinced our Phillies-fan friends to join us. That plan got kicked around with vague seriousness for a while, was downgraded to maybe and then died a quiet death before […]