The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Two Mounds, One Hill

After giving injury rehab his best shot among a flock of Toronto Blue Jay minor leaguers, native Ontarian and lifelong Cincinnati Red Joey Votto announced his retirement on August 22. Johnny Cueto, who made his season debut one day earlier for the Angels, pitched exactly once more in L.A. of A garb. The Halos considered […]

Indifferent Karma, False Hope, Few Expectations

Someday in the future, a precocious Amapola Chloe Lindor might look at her birthday, consider her father’s occupation, and ask, “Daddy, what did you to in the first game you started after I was born?” And her dad Francisco will be able to rightly tell her, “I hit a home run for you. What made […]

No. 17, Up Where It Belongs

1. The Mets ran this ticket special in the 1980s that was incredibly successful. For the price of one admission, you could see the most fearsome competitor in the game, a peerless clutch hitter and first base play that was as revolutionary as it was nonpareil. They were also willing into throw in for that […]

Eventful Confluences, Now and Then

From the deep well of numerical sustenance baseball is wont to give us on any given day, Thursday afternoon it gave us, among other digital delights, 7 1-hit innings from Taijuan Walker; 1 base hit from Francisco Lindor after 26 hitless at-bats; 11 walks issued to would-be Met batters from Cardinal pitchers (including 4 consecutive […]

All These Tomorrows

Break up the Mets! They’re 2-2 against the Yankees!

Actually that already appears to be happening: the Mets left Robert Gsellman in to throw a ton of pitches against the Yankees Friday night while Jeurys Familia sat in the bullpen in a sweatshirt, got hugs from teammates and was spoken of evasively in postgame interviews. He’s […]

When Jim Joined Ralph

Long before “happy birthday to all the fathers out there” became what we love to quote on the third Sunday every June, a Mets-savvy person was likely to reflexively link Ralph Kiner and Father’s Day via the most impressive thing Jim Bunning ever did for public consumption. Bunning threw a perfect game on Father’s Day […]

Ralph Kiner, Padre GM

Best Guest Ever

“Hey, thanks for agreeing to do this on such short notice. We know you just got up here, but when Ralph heard you were in town, he really wanted to have you back on.”
“Even better, we got sort of lucky with the game tonight. Welington Castillo had four hits, Travis d’Arnaud had three. We wanted […]

The Return of Old Timers Day 1977

I consider the series finale of Parks & Recreation, which aired Tuesday night, to be one of the finest farewells in the history of episodic television. Yet within twelve hours of viewing, I found something even better to watch. It wasn’t a goodbye episode. More like getting reacquainted. The effect was more invigorating, even, than […]

What Can I Tell Ya?

Despite the various commercial entreaties of Branden, Alexa and Christina, I can think of no worse place to take my dad for Father’s Day than Citi Field. Also, I can think of no worse place to take your dad. Or anybody’s dad, son, brother, uncle, grandpa, cousin or in-law. I wouldn’t jump to take anybody […]