The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Ultimate Sunday Afternoon Quiz

What distinguishes every Mets “game go” that involves me and my friend Mark Simon?

As was the case on Sunday afternoon, when Mark and I went to Citi Field to ostensibly watch the Mets play the Mariners, each of us brings several, perhaps many Mets-based trivia questions to ask one another.

What’s the purpose of these trivia […]

Finding Their Way, Somehow

Fireworks Night in a lost season is always a bit of an asterisk: There are a lot more spectacle-oriented fans in attendance than one might wish, treating the baseball game like it’s the opening band. They wait with varying degrees of impatience, get in your way in the aisles, and annoy you with their conspicuous […]

Room for Improvement

In one of the climactic scenes of the first season of Mad Men, ad agency head Bert Cooper instructed impatient Pete Campbell, by way of exonerating a man originally named Dick Whitman for shadily assuming the identity of the late Don Draper, “The Japanese have a saying: A man is whatever room he is in, […]

Mets Unplugged

After five days of electric baseball, the Mets once again look like someone pulled the plug out of the wall.

At least — and those are never good words to see up high in a recap — this time they didn’t look flat enough to slip under a door, the way they did in the opener […]

It's Not Going Well

A confounding Mets season took another confounding turn Monday afternoon, when the team followed up Sunday’s burst of offensive competence (counterpoint, maybe the Nationals decided to experiment and do Whip-Its between innings) by once again looking like an outfit with zero resemblance to a professional baseball team. Going into Monday, you might have said, “Well, […]

The Experience of America

The Mets are opening a “speakeasy” out in right field. I think Prohibition has been over roughly 90 years, so I’m not sure why one would need to know a secret password to get in, but why quibble with a concept, especially when the name of this high rollers club is intended as an homage […]

Back in the Sweetest Swing

For my birthday I went back to Citi Field, and that was wonderful, even with zip-tied seats for social distancing and vaccination checks and mandatory masks. Last week I went to my second game and it was even nicer, because those three things were gone and the only strange note was how normal all the […]