The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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All the Fun Dudes

Has there ever been a Mets team that has had this much fun winning? Of course there’s been. From the first Mets team to post a winning record, in 1969, to the most recent Mets team prior to the current edition that did so, in 2022, they all had themselves a blast in the process […]

Thought Process No Longer Valid

So, what do I lead with when this no-hitter is over? Bob Moose in 1969? Max Scherzer in 2015? Proof that a no-hitter thrown at the Mets late in a season doesn’t necessarily preclude that season from having a successful (maybe Amazin’ly successful) postseason? That’s a tough sell. I know it’s true, but when the […]

When Plan B Turns Out A-OK

The Mets’ ebullient recent narrative showed a couple of cracks Friday night against the Reds.

Francisco Lindor continued his hitting streak and made a nifty play at shortstop, but he didn’t walk off the Reds or solve the Middle East conflict in an idle moment between innings, somewhere between surprising and shocking given how he’s been […]

Weekend Spa Treatment

Without knowing what they paid, I’d say the Mets got an excellent rate on their weekend spa treatment. They’ve rarely entered a Monday appearing more relaxed and ready to face whatever awaits them. In this case, it’s a playoff chase in September.

The 2024 White Sox will make anybody look and feel fantastic. The 2024 White […]

The Amazingly Confounding Mets

You can never outguess baseball.

Last time we saw the Mets, they were getting walked off in excruciating fashion by the Padres, a wrenching reversal that denied them a series win and an off-day on which to exhale. Next up: the other National League team threatening to run away and hide in the wild-card race. The […]

We Shall Now Call the Roll

The chair recognizes the delegate from Manaea.

Mister Secretary! The great state of Manaea wishes to cast all seven-plus of its innings, including the first five-and-two-thirds that were absolutely PERFECT, for the team that allows its starting pitcher to consistently go at least seven innings when able, the team we will strive like HECK to bring […]

Outhitting Their Mistakes

Given the ebbs and flows of a entertaining yet maddening season, perhaps we’ve lost track of a simpler formula to make sense of the 2024 Mets: They need to outhit their mistakes.

The rotation is pedestrian, a bunch of No. 4 starters with ceilings as No. 3s. The relief corps is spaghetti at a wall. The […]

Sean Manaea’s Day On

Strolling around Denver might have made for a lovely off day Monday, but I’d guess the Mets were happy to be called into the St. Louis satellite office to catch up on some work when all was said and done. What’s an extra time zone’s travel when you can pick up a win?

Sean Manaea looked […]

They're Always the New-Look Mets

All is fleeting, grasshopper. Even baseball teams. Especially baseball teams.

Mets come, Mets go. The franchise is an ever-shifting assemblage of overlapping stints in orange and blue, some lasting years, some concluded in minutes. For a fun game, construct a chain of overlapping Met teammates back to 1962 with as few links as possible; what I […]

You Gotta Can’t Believe This

The first wave of excitement crested Wednesday night with the completion of the Subway Series sweep, both this week’s and this year’s. Of course it was exciting. It was Mets 12 Yankees 3, with five home runs for the visitors who made themselves at home inside the surprisingly friendly confines of Yankee Stadium. Two for […]