The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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A Seth of Fresh Despair

Recently, as in a day or two before a revised Spring Training schedule embedded with a pod of Marlins, Nationals, Cardinals and Astros was issued and my mood instinctively if temporarily brightened, I was feeling pretty nihilistic about the whole Mets baseball thing. “Can you imagine them trading…?” I asked myself about pretty much every […]

Fingers Crossed

Are you ready for some baseball?

Well, are ya?

Let’s cross our fingers and hope baseball is ready for itself. Baseball can declare all the intentions it wants. It still has to check in with the coronavirus pretty regularly to make sure it gets to proceed as it intends.

Until we find out otherwise, it is on. Baseball, […]

To Be Determined, Determined To Be

It didn’t fully hit me what a void we’re staring into until early Friday morning when I went through my weekly ritual of checking the forthcoming C-Span2 (Book TV) and C-Span3 (American History TV) listings to record any programming I might find worthwhile, choosing among classroom lectures, author discussions, unearthed newsreels…yes, my weekends do rock. […]

Your Number or Your Name

Spring Training was welcomed heartily last Saturday to 31 Piazza Drive in Port St. Lucie and, perhaps because it’s only been televised back to New York thrice thus far, has yet to expend its novelty factor. At the intersection of Brinson (Lewis, one of those few visiting Marlins who doesn’t require an introduction) and Clover […]

Just Go Ahead Now

After a winter of discontent — signs brazenly stolen; titles shadily retained; postseasons potentially diluted; owners who never quite sell — baseball’s redeeming feature comes to the fore today: baseball, or something very much like it.

A reasonable facsimile of the 2020 Mets will take a field or two in Florida. One group of them will […]

Yo, Speak Up

Yoenis Cespedes said he won’t be speaking to the media this year. If he’s not speaking to the media, he’s not speaking to the fans. C’mon, Yo, talk to us.

You don’t have to say anything substantive. Hardly any of your professional colleagues do when they’re not suggesting what acts of vigilante justice they’d like seen […]

An Actual Sign of Spring

Pitchers and catchers reporting hasn’t done much for me for a number of years, which I say not in an effort to get you to feel the same way, but as an admission that I am a flawed human being.

Because of course pitchers and catchers doing baseball stuff down in some dull Florida (or even […]

Spring Its Ownself

On Wednesday morning, March 13, a bright, warm Florida day, Jeffrey M. Hysen woke up with a squirrel in his stomach. In his good life as a baseball fan, there had never been a month quite like this one. In the next few hours he was going to […]

The Adventures of Pete & Not Pete

You knew me as Peter if you knew me at all
I tower several inches above six feet tall
I’d prefer if rather than Peter you please call me Pete
Get me onto the roster, I’ll get you out of your seat

You’ve […]

Are You Ready?

First exhibition game? I know people get excited, and that’s great, but for me, having done this over so many Springs, it’s about knowing what I can do and when I’m ready to do it. Believe me, I’m excited, too, but I’m not gonna do anything crazy […]