The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Ready, Steady, Go!

Taijuan Walker looked to be experiencing back discomfort on the mound and in the dugout throughout Thursday afternoon at Nationals Park. He pitched seven shutout innings while fielding his position like an athlete who happens to be the pitcher. We should all experience such discomfort. “A little tight, nothing serious,” was Tai’s postgame self-diagnosis.

The National […]

Bottle That Stuff

Well, well, well.

That wasn’t what I thought for most of Thursday night’s game against the Phillies, but then that’s always the case with a classic comeback — you need to trudge through the vale of despond before getting sherpa’ed up Mount Probability to giddily plant the most unexpected of flags.

That mountaineering metaphor’s less random than […]

You Wouldn’t Like Them When They’re Angry

Word to the National League: stop hitting the Mets. It’s not helping your cause. You’re getting them angry. And you’re getting yourselves beat.

The Mets have taken pitches to the body more than any other NL team. The Mets have also piled up more wins than any other NL team. Perhaps there’s a connection. If you’re […]

Follow the Formula

We’ve been where the Diamondbacks are now — a team with hope for the future that’s trying to remind itself that future can’t be hurried. The guys who could be a part of it need to get there at their own pace, with all the growing pains implied; the caretaker players are important as teachers […]

Prostrate and Semi-Triumphant

Jeff McNeil lay face down in the Arizona turf, the last out of a 6-5 Mets win safely in his glove. He wasn’t hurt; he just needed a minute.

At that point, we all did.

The Mets moved to 11-4 on the season, which I will use bleeding-edge analytics to categorize as pretty damn good. But it […]

Lost & Never Found

The game was lost when balls off the bats of Giants fell in and the balls off the bats of Mets didn’t.

The game was lost was when the Mets pitcher who’d previously given up almost nothing gave up a bunch.

The game was lost when the only Belt in the game delivered the only belt of […]

Expectations and Belief

“You gotta believe,” you may have heard once or twice in your life over these past 49 years. And you really do, especially in April. If you’re giving up this soon, it’s a long May through September in front of you. Yet here in the early won-lost portion of the season, when records are instantly […]

Let There Be Light

Nationals Park was a little dim, I heard over the car radio. The stadium bulbs weren’t firing as intended, so Friday night’s game wasn’t commencing when intended. Fine by me, having mistimed my errands and running late toward what I’d looked forward to both all day and since late November. Now I’d get to hear […]

Best Win of the Season So Far

Wait. Wait a little more. Wait just a little more.

Now. Now you can have your Opening Day. I mean Opening Night. I mean Opening Night win. It’s yours. No strings. No hamstrings even, as far as we know. It arrived in our laps a little bruised, a little soggy and a little too late to […]

Welcome to the Roster (We Got Fun & Games)

Steve Martin as Navin R. Johnson exclaiming, “The new phone book’s here!” in The Jerk has nothing on us in terms of ginning up excitement over the mundane, which is to say, the new roster’s here!

Specifically, the active roster of 28 players the Mets will carry into battle (or the first baseball game of the […]