The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Honorably Discharged

Today marks the nineteenth anniversary of Faith and Fear in Flushing, founded February 16, 2005. For the now twenty Spring Trainings that this blog has existed, we have set out annually in the sincere hope that the Met season ahead serves as prelude to a Met postseason. That’s really all you can ask of a […]

Mets of the 2010s: 60-51

Welcome to the fifth chapter of Faith and Fear’s countdown of The Top 100 Mets of the 2010s. An introduction to the series is available here; you can read the most recent installment here. These are the more or less best Mets we rooted for as Mets fans these past ten years. Since a decade […]

The 25-Thought Roster

1. Welcome aboard the first active roster of 2019 to the eight Mets who have never been Mets before: Robinson Cano, Edwin Diaz, Wilson Ramos, Keon Broxton, J.D. Davis, Justin Wilson, Luis Avilan and Pete Alonso. We like each of you now because you’re Mets. Someday we’ll […]

Mets 11, Phillies 7, Surgeries 4, Missing 5

On Monday, the Mets scored many runs, gave up a few less, won a baseball game, and announced several of their players would be going in for surgery. It’s indicative of how 2017 has unraveled that the win seemed like the most surprising development of the bunch.

The 2017 Mets have carved out a fistful of […]

With Apologies to Joe Piscopo

“Let’s take a look!”

The big story — Mets 2017.
Exciting. Thrilling. Awesome!
Not very often.

Ten-game homestand.
Two straight wins!
Three straight losses.
Three more wins!

Tough opponent?
Not really!

Steven Matz?
Five innings.
Terry Collins?
Seen enough.

Michael Conforto — home run!

T.J. Rivera — home run?
Not really.
Oakand A’s?
Oakland E’s!

One out, two on, T.J. up, A’s lead…
One hit, one more out, three runs in, Mets lead!

Lucas […]

Ready for the New Present

Can your blogger file his recap within the 24-hour window? Well, with an 11 am start he can. Why was the answer even close to know? Because this was the first game of the season I had no desire whatsoever to recap — which for me is usually a sign that I’ve finally accepted that the competitive part […]

The One Where Stuff Happened

The Mets don’t lead the league in much, but they’re at least a wild-card contender in keeping us guessing, having concluded their road trip with a Rorschach record of 5-5.

That’s five to go in the They Rebounded From Getting Blitzed and Got Themselves Together on the Road So There’s Hope column (you may label this one differently, of course), […]

Dreaming Is Free

Even Mets fans get to have good days.

Honestly, Saturday’s doubleheader with the Braves was about as stress-free as a day dealing with the confounding, confounded 2017 Mets has been. You got drama in both games, with Robert Gsellman and then Steven Matz pitching marvelously but being largely matched by Atlanta competition. But then the drama […]

Whose Game Was This Anyway?

I had hoped Tyler Pill might be Grover Powell. Grover Powell’s first major league start, for the Mets in 1963, was a complete game shutout, which didn’t happen for Mets rookies every day in 1963, nor, come to think of it, today. Before long, Tyler Pill 2017, who reacted well to the lights in Flushing […]

Above Average Tuesday

It was supposed to be one of the seminal moments in the revival of a franchise that was taking its sweet time returning to life. Tuesday, June 18, 2013, a day-night doubleheader in Atlanta. The afternoon portion would be pitched by baseball’s hottest star, the evening’s focused on the premiere of potentially its next one. […]