The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Baseball Morning, Afternoon and Night

Even for my baseball-obsessed family, it was a wall-to-wall day.

Saturday began with the annual Little League Parade, an exercise in genial chaos in which a rainbow of teams assemble on a block of 1st Street whose residents I imagine make sure to be out of town this particular weekend, then march down 7th Avenue to […]

Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off

Josh Thole loomed as Mr. Metaphor Saturday night, falling down rounding first and getting his eager ass tagged out on a throw-behind from Emilio Bonifacio to Gaby Sanchez in the seventh, then picking himself up, dusting himself off and lining the go-ahead single in the ninth. Turned out, however, Thole’s destiny was to serve as […]

The Sun Came Up Today

Neither the world nor the season ended just because the Mets forgot that they never lose on Opening Day/Night. Still, the whole John Fogerty “beat the drum, hold the phone, the sun came out today” sensation usually associated with the first game of the year grew rather hollow once I realized what I was waiting […]

And Now, the Good News with Terry Collins

To paraphrase an old joke, when Terry Collins is on the phone, Terry Collins is ON the phone. That is to say he’s “on,” I’m guessing, whether there’s a phone line open or not.

The Mets were kind enough  to conduct another blogger conference call this evening, this time with the Mets’ manager as our subject […]

It's All a Blue Blur

Ronny Paulino reportedly isn’t in Mets camp yet. How can they tell? Based on the onslaught of images filtering north from Port St. Lucie, there seem to be approximately 2,000 players in Mets camp. Check harder — our backup catcher’s visa’s gotta be in there somewhere.

In the spirit of that which is so crowded that […]

A Winter's Day, A Baseball December

Looking back, you could see that as the last moment when the sports business was at human scale, a club where everybody knew who was who.
—Richard Ben Cramer, Joe DiMaggio: The Hero’s Life

Why wouldn’t you want to be around baseball in December? It’s so much better than everything else December has to offer.

Tuesday, December 14, […]

Terry's Jubilee

Clearly the Terry Collins era should be sponsored by an energy drink. Let’s hope it’s not Four Loko.

I watched our new manager’s literally bouncy introductory press conference and came away with one overwhelming impression: “This dude is into it.” If he was worried about being identified as laconic, I think he’s got that licked. A […]

A Little Incident

Is Terry Collins well-organized? Or too intense?

Amid that rather pointless (for now) debate, I found this article by Adam Rubin at ESPN New York reassuring, with the likes of Josh Thole, Nick Evans and Dillon Gee saying pretty much exactly what you’d hope would be said.

There was just one small problem. If you haven’t read […]

Time to Drink the Coll-Aid

Somebody thinks Terry Collins is exactly what the New York Mets need in 2011 and 2012. Fine. Let’s see what he’s got.

Managerial choices don’t reveal themselves as brilliant or idiotic in the fall that they’re made. It’s in the fall that comes after the first spring and the first summer that we are able to […]

Things I Don't Care About

Sandy Alderson’s honeymoon period as Mets GM is apparently over now that he’s decided to hand the managerial reins to Terry Collins. At least that’s what you’d conclude from the squawking on the FAN and in certain web precincts.

I’m trying to figure out why, exactly.

Yes, I’m aware that once upon a time Terry Collins had […]