The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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You Gotta Recap: 9/23/1973

Forty years ago today, the Mets were hosting St. Louis, sitting in first place, one game ahead of the second-place Pirates in the N.L. East with a record of 78-77…and they were about to post one of the 500 most Amazin’ wins of their first 50 years.

From The Happiest Recap (First Base: 1962-1973)…


Tommie Agee […]

You Gotta Recap: 9/22/1973

Forty years ago today, the Mets were hosting St. Louis, sitting in first place, a half-game ahead of the second-place Pirates in the N.L. East with a record of 77-77…and they were about to post one of the 500 most Amazin’ wins of their first 50 years.

From The Happiest Recap (First Base: 1962-1973)…


Wayne Garrett […]

You Gotta Recap: 9/21/1973

Forty years ago tonight, the Mets were hosting Pittsburgh, sitting in second place, a half-game behind the front-running Pirates in the N.L. East with a record of 76-77…and they were about to post one of the 500 most Amazin’ wins of their first 50 years.

From The Happiest Recap (First Base: 1962-1973)…


The Mets commenced to […]

You Gotta Recap: 9/20/1973

Forty years ago tonight, the Mets were hosting Pittsburgh, tied for third place, 1½ games behind the front-running Pirates in the N.L. East with a record of 75-77…and they were about to post one of the 500 most Amazin’ wins of their first 50 years.

From The Happiest Recap (First Base: 1962-1973)…


It was time […]

You Gotta Recap: 9/19/1973

Forty years ago tonight, the Mets were hosting Pittsburgh, sitting in fourth place, 2½ games behind the front-running Pirates in the N.L. East with a record of 74-77…and they were about to post one of the 500 most Amazin’ wins of their first 50 years.

From The Happiest Recap (First Base: 1962-1973)…


These two contenders […]

You Gotta Recap: 9/18/1973

Forty years ago tonight, the Mets were visiting Pittsburgh, sitting in fourth place, 3½ games behind the front-running Pirates in the N.L. East with a record of 73-77…and they were about to post one of the 500 most Amazin’ wins of their first 50 years.

From The Happiest Recap (First Base: 1962-1973)…


Game two of […]

Good Things

It’s summer. Basketball’s done. Hockey’s endless rounds of playoffs have ceased. Football training camps have not yet stirred. Baseball rules the land. And all is well.

Proof? Here are some good things for us all to appreciate:

1) Your 2013 New York Mets, even with Shaun Marcum.

Marcum hadn’t been great before tonight, but he hadn’t been 0-9 […]

Super Wednesday Ahead!

What some called Super Tuesday worked out pretty well, eh? So let’s look ahead just a bit to Super Wednesday, one week from tonight. Can’t promise you Harvey and Wheeler (or either of them, probably), but it looks to be a pretty super evening nonetheless.

On Wednesday June 26 at 7 PM, I’ll be joining Jay […]

Word Gets Out: Mets Won

In the heart of the communications capital of the world, I couldn’t say for sure what was going on one borough over. You can wire yourself up to the gills so you know everything at every minute the minute it happens, but if you find yourself one story beneath the sidewalk in an edgy Greenwich […]

Regarding Recapping

I sat for a really fun interview regarding The Happiest Recap with Gelf Magazine’s Max Lakin, the results of which are here. Gelf runs the terrific Varsity Letters sports literature series, where I’ll be reading from and discussing The Happiest Recap Thursday night, starting at 7:30 (doors open at 7:00). The location is Le Poisson Rouge, 158 […]