The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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From Min Back to Max

Last time we saw Max Scherzer he was decidedly min against the Yankees, chiefly because his slider was batting-practice quality, hanging obligingly in the strike zone and waiting to be clobbered by any Yankee who fancied a go.

Scherzer vowed stonily that he would fix the problem, which sounded good but also sounded like the kind […]

Next Victim — And It’s Not Us

In April, it didn’t merit our attention. In April, the Mets were the Mets who were going to make a habit of it. In April, the Mets beat the Padres one game, the A’s the next; the A’s one game, the Dodgers the next; and the Dodgers one game, the Giants the next. In April, […]

Attention Must Be Sort of Paid

It’s a nice enough Sunday, the Mets game from Pittsburgh is on, I’m happy to be tuned in even if I’m only sort of paying attention to the Mets trailing the Pirates. I see Luis Guillorme called out on strikes because he was a second or so late in facing the pitcher with the count […]

Best Enjoyed Through a Smoky Haze

Tough walking around New York with all that smoke wafting down from Canadian wildfires. To take our minds off the ominous skies, let’s enjoy some Mets highlights from Wednesday night in Atlanta!

All of New York can see how great its Mets are doing.

No delay — the game starts on time!
A first-inning run — […]

Everybody and Their Brother

As noted often in this space, I consider listening to Gary Cohen talking Mets baseball a perk of being a Mets fan. Listening to him on Saturday, both while sitting in the Shannon Forde Press Conference Room as he and his fellow inductees prepared for their big moment on the field, and then from the […]

Big Wheels Keep on Spinning

One-third of a season. Fifty-four games played. Twenty-seven wins. Twenty-seven losses. Each quantity seems well-earned. They’ve been as good as they’ve looked when they’ve won and as bad as they’ve looked when they’ve lost. They’re having two separate seasons in one. The Mets are the epitome of mediocrity.

Befitting the finale of a series played a […]

Here's to Getting Over It

Forty-two pitches into his Mets debut, Kodai Senga was in trouble.

Our Japanese import, a feel-good story across that far bigger pond for rising from developmental player (the closest equivalent is “low-A cannon fodder”) to three-time All-Star with five rings, had needed 36 pitches just to get through the first against the Marlins: A single, an […]

Winter’s Getting Late

It is the late winter of Tommy Pham, described far and wide as a fourth outfielder when the Mets signed him for the upcoming season. Unnerving spate of rules changes aside, the outfield still contains only three positions. Nobody is every described as a fifth infielder. And second catchers are usually referred to as backup […]

Missing the Good Part

Should it be your desire, I’m sure you can get one of those inspirational signs for your den/game room/what-have-you that proclaims BASEBALL IS LIFE, and while I might disagree with the chosen vehicle of expression, I’m with you on the message. But the fact is that sometimes life, or at least the non-baseball part of […]

That Could Have Gone Better

Let’s enjoy the good part first: Noah Syndergaard was unbelievable.

It was clear from the first inning that he had no-hit stuff, which considering Syndergaard doesn’t believe in walks means perfect-game stuff. Every pitch was working, particularly the change-up, against which Cardinal batters had no chance. You could see weary resignation in their faces every time […]