The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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That ... Was a Lot

The Mets and the Nats, sheesh. I guess it proves that for every Nieuwenhuis there’s a Suzuki. And for the critical stretches of Monday night’s mildly bonkers game, it wasn’t clear whether the compass was going to wind up pointing to N or S.

And I missed the first five innings! I mean, so sue me […]

Separated After Birth

I won’t claim it’s high on my lengthy list of Selig/Manfred era outrages, but it annoys me that the Astros are in the American League. They’re our expansion siblings, after all, arriving along with us in 1962 as the Colt .45s.

We began as a novelty act to salve the still-fresh wounds of Dodgers and Giants […]

Not This Good...Or Are They?

They’re probably not this good, are they? How could they be? Fifteen wins in nineteen games seems to give us all the answer we need, a stretch that’s unfurled since their last pairing of consecutive losses, not to mention the active streak of three victories during which the most recent ascension or explosion feels it […]

The Rarely Explored Sea of Tranquility

It’s gonna get away, you tell yourself when an early 2-0 lead becomes a 2-2 tie. When the lead is rebuilt to 5-2, you figure maybe — maybe — the scenario developing won’t be worst-case. Then instead of remaining 5-2, the lead shrinks to 5-4, and you can sense where this is going. Yet when […]

The Baderfly Effect

The more straightforward aspects of a baseball game don’t require much explanation. Slugger Pete Alonso hit a home run. Got it. Starter Jose Quintana didn’t walk anybody. Got it. Closer Edwin Diaz blew a save. Got it, though we wish we didn’t. Still, protagonists gonna protagonize.

The aspects of ballgame that keep a person engaged beyond […]

What Excellent Service!

“Don’t you just love it when you come back from the bathroom and find your food waiting for you?” Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) asks Vincent Vega (John Travolta) over dinner at Jackrabbit Slim’s in Pulp Fiction, just as she has indeed returned from (ahem) powdering her nose to find the “bloody” Durward Kirby Burger she […]

Back to the Track

The season began with plenty of warning, yet I found myself scrambling in the hours before and after Opening Day to update all the things I keep track of once the season is underway. The files I maintain for my and occasionally your amusement/edification looked like the aftermath of a party nobody had bother cleaning […]

The Stuff of Legend

It had rained for forty consecutive nights. The Mets had lost their previous fifty games. They had been no-hit for sixty innings in a row. Their most storied slugger was so desperate to effect change that he swung at a pitch seventy feet below sea level.

With one crack of the bat, the earth shook (eventually) […]

Patching Things Up

“What a break,” the player said. “Wow! This is great. I can hardly believe it. Imagine going to a club like the Phillies. I feel like I’ve been born again.”

The player was Buddy Harrelson, on the occasion of his trade from the Mets in Spring Training 1978. The Mets were founded in 1962 and were […]

Another Decade, Another Hump

Although baseball has already conducted its winter meetings, winter insists on meeting the rest of us this evening at 10:47 PM Eastern Standard Time. We wish a scintillating solstice to all, yet we’ve got a bigger milestone to mark before the month is out.

That’s right: the Baseball Equinox is nigh! At 3:26 AM EST on […]